JFokus 2015 - the VM Tech Day

Marcus Lagergren marcus.lagergren at oracle.com
Wed Jan 21 13:48:33 UTC 2015


I have a few 50% discounts left for the VM tech day. If you are interested, please e-mail me directly!


> On 19 Jan 2015, at 10:58, Marcus Lagergren <marcus.lagergren at oracle.com> wrote:
> And to further clarify things - you can attend _only_ the VM Tech day / tech summit, should you so desire, and skip the rest of the JFokus conference. (What a strange thing to do, given the quality of JFokus, but I can’t be the one questioning your priorities here)
> (http://www.jfokus.se/jfokus/register.jsp <http://www.jfokus.se/jfokus/register.jsp>)
> /M
>> On 18 Jan 2015, at 22:54, Marcus Lagergren <marcus.lagergren at oracle.com <mailto:marcus.lagergren at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Greetings community members!
>> Here is something that I'm sure you'll find interesting.
>> I want to advertise the upcoming "VM tech day” event, scheduled to
>> take place February 2, 2015 at the JFokus conference in
>> Stockholm. Sorry I am on a bit of a short notice here, but finalizing
>> the speaker list took us a bit more time than expected.
>> The VM tech day is a mini-track that runs the first day of the JFokus
>> conference. This is its schedule: 
>> https://www.jfokus.se/jfokus/jvmtech.jsp <https://www.jfokus.se/jfokus/jvmtech.jsp>
>> After some rather challenging months of jigsaw puzzles, it is with
>> great pleasure that I can announce that our speaker line up is now
>> complete - and it is great indeed! We are talking 100% gurus,
>> prophets, ninjas, rock stars, and all other similar terms that
>> normally gets your resume binned if it passes my desk. But in this
>> case the labels are true. We have strictly top names from both the
>> commercial world and from academia ready to take you on a great
>> ride.
>> So what is the VM tech day? For those of you familiar with the JVM
>> Language Summit (JVMLS) that usually takes place in Santa Clara in
>> the summers, the format is similar. It’s the usual deal: anyone
>> morbidly interested in runtime internals, code generation, polyglot
>> programming and the complexities of language implementation, should
>> find a veritable gold mine of stimulating conversation and knowledge
>> transfer here. What is different from a typical JVMLS (except for the
>> shorter duration), is that we have widened the scope a bit to include
>> several runtimes, language implementation issues and polyglot
>> problems.
>> There will be six scheduled sessions and plenty of time for breakouts
>> and discussions. We will also heavily encourage audience interaction
>> and participation.
>> The JFokus VM tech day is opened by John Rose. I am sure John needs 
>> no introduction to the subscribers of this list. With advanced OpenJDK
>> projects like Valhalla and Panama booting up, John will discuss what
>> the JVM has in store for the future. 
>> Other speakers include the tireless Charlie Nutter from Red Hat, the
>> formidable Remi Forax, the brilliant Vyacheslav Egorov of Google v8
>> fame, the esteemed Dan Heidinga from IBM and the good looking Attila
>> Szegedi from Oracle.
>> We also have plenty of non-speaking celebrity participants in the
>> audience, for example Fredrik Öhrström: invokedynamic specification 
>> wizard extraordinaire and architect behind the new OpenJDK build
>> system. Stop by and get autographs ;)
>> Thusly: if you are attending JFokus, or if you are making up your mind
>> about attending it right now, the VM tech summit is definitely
>> something anyone subscribing to mlvm-dev wouldn't want to miss. The
>> cross-platform/cross-technology/cross-company focus that we have tried
>> very hard to create will without a doubt be ultra stimulating. Of that
>> you can be sure.
>> Please help us spread the word in whatever forums you deem
>> appropriate! Talk to you friends! Tweet links to this post! Yell from
>> your cubicle soap boxes across the neverending seas of fluorescent
>> lights!
>> Any further questions you may have about the event, not answered by
>> the web pages, can be directed either to me (@lagergren) or Mattias 
>> Karlsson (@matkar) or as replies to this e-mail thread.
>> On behalf of JFokus / VM Tech Day 2015
>> Marcus Lagergren
>> Master of ceremonies (or something)
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