[9] RFR (M): 8063137: Never-taken branches should be pruned when GWT LambdaForms are shared

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Tue Jan 27 16:05:19 UTC 2015

Thanks for the feedback, John!

Updated webrev:

   - renamed MHI::profileBranch to MHI::profileBoolean, and 
ProfileBranchNode to ProfileBooleanNode;
   - restructured profile layout ([0] => false_cnt, [1] => true_cnt)
   - factored out profile injection in a separate function 
(has_injected_profile() in parse2.cpp)
   - ProfileBooleanNode stores true/false counts instead of 
taken/not_taken counts
   - matching from value counts to taken/not_taken happens in 
   - added BoolTest::ne support
   - sharpened test for AndI case: now it checks AndI (ProfileBoolean) 
(ConI 1) shape

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 1/27/15 3:04 AM, John Rose wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 8:41 AM, Vladimir Ivanov
> <vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com <mailto:vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> What do you think about the following version?
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vlivanov/8063137/webrev.02
>> As you suggested, I reified MHI::profileBranch on LambdaForm level and
>> removed @LambdaForm.Shared. My main concern about removing @Sharen was
>> that profile pollution can affect the code before profileBranch call
>> (akin to 8068915 [1]) and it seems it's the case: Gbemu (at least) is
>> sensitive to that change (there's a 10% difference in peak performance
>> between @Shared and has_injected_profile()).
>> I can leave @Shared as is for now or remove it and work on the fix to
>> the deoptimization counts pollution. What do you prefer?
> Generic advice here:  It's better to leave it out, if in doubt.  If it
> has a real benefit, and we don't have time to make it clean, put it in
> and file a tracking bug to clean it up.
> I re-read the change.  It's simpler and more coherent now.
> I see one more issue which we should fix now, while we can.  It's the
> sort of thing which is hard to clean up later.
> The two fields of the profileBranch array have obscure and inconsistent
> labelings.  It took me some hard thought and the inspection of three
> files to decide what "taken" and "not taken" mean in the C2 code that
> injects the profile.  The problem is that, when you look at
> profileBranch, all you see is an integer (boolean) argument and an
> array, and no clear indication about which array element corresponds to
> which argument value.  It's made worse by the fact that "taken" and "not
> taken" are not mentioned at all in the JDK code, which instead wires
> together the branches of selectAlternative without much comment.
> My preferred formulation, for making things clearer:  Decouple the idea
> of branching from the idea of profile injection.  Name the intrinsic
> (yes, one more bikeshed color) "profileBoolean" (or even
> "injectBooleanProfile"), and use the natural indexing of the array:  0
> (Java false) is a[0], and 1 (Java true) is a[1].  We might later extend
> this to work with "booleans" (more generally, small-integer flags), of
> more than two possible values, klasses, etc.
> This line then goes away, and 'result' is used directly as the profile
> index:
> +        int idx = result ? 0 : 1;
> The ProfileBooleanNode should have an embedded (or simply indirect)
> array of ints which is a simple copy of the profile array, so there's no
> doubt about which count is which.
> The parsing of the predicate that contains "profileBoolean" should
> probably be more robust, at least allowing for 'eq' and 'ne' versions of
> the test.  (C2 freely flips comparison senses, in various places.)  The
> check for Op_AndI must be more precise; make sure n->in(2) is a constant
> of the expected value (1).  The most robust way to handle it (but try
> this another time, I think) would be to make two temp copies of the
> predicate, substituting the occurrence of ProfileBoolean with '0' and
> '1', respectively; if they both fold to '0' and '1' or '1' and '0', then
> you take the indicated action.
> I suggest putting the new code in Parse::dynamic_branch_prediction,
> which pattern-matches for injected profiles, into its own subroutine.
>   Maybe:
>     bool use_mdo = true;
>     if (has_injected_profile(btest, test, &taken, &not_taken)) {
>       use_mdo = false;
>     }
>     if (use_mdo) { ... old code
> I see why you used the opposite order in the existing code:  It mirrors
> the order of the second and third arguments to selectAlternative.  But
> the JVM knows nothing about selectAlternative, so it's just confusing
> when reading the VM code to know which profile array element means what.
> — John
> P.S.  Long experience with byte-order bugs in HotSpot convinces me that
> if you are not scrupulously clear in your terms, when working with equal
> and opposite configuration pairs, you will have a long bug tail,
> especially if you have to maintain agreement about the configurations
> through many layers of software.  This is one of those cases.  The best
> chance to fix such bugs is not to allow them in the first place.  In the
> case of byte-order, we have "first" vs. "second", "MSB" vs. "LSB", and
> "high" vs. "low" parts of values, for values in memory and in registers,
> and all possible misunderstandings about them and their relation have
> probably happened and caused bugs.

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