A simple PIC api

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at gmx.org
Thu Mar 12 10:21:12 UTC 2015

Am 12.03.2015 00:13, schrieb Mark Roos:
> Hi Jochen
> I have to think about yours some more but I thought I would share mine.
>   I condensed it to
> make it easier to explain.

my pleasure

> I extended callsite to hold a bunch of values one of which is the depth.
> And my model for the cache is up to 10 chained GWTs after that I drop the
> chain and start over.
> When I get a miss in the cache off to the fallback ( look below to see
> how this MH is made)
> *static*RtObject fallbackSelf(RtCallSite site, Object... args)
> For each guard I create a test MH which takes all of the args and
> returns a bool.
> Since I only look at the TOS it drops the rest,  yours is more
> complicated.  This can be
> different for each guard in my case.
>          RtObject rcvr=(RtObject)args[args.length- 1];  // top of stack
> test=MethodHandles./insertArguments/(test, 0, rcvr.classField());  //
> the behavior field
>   test=MethodHandles./dropArguments/(test, 0, site.dropArray());
>   // match test signature
>    then finds the code based on the site and the receiver in this case
>          MethodHandle newTarget=rcvr.lookupSelf(site.getSelector());
>    makes a new GWT with the existing chain as its slow path

my main problem is that in most cases a single test won't do. In many 
cases I have to check at least the class of the receiver as well as of 
each argument. That makes for a 2 arg call a least 3 tests. But I cannot 
really express a Java like &&. Instead I have to use test number 1, with 
slow path in the false case and the real invocation target in the true 
case. Then for each additional test I use the root of the MethodHandle 
tree as the true case and the slow path as fallback.

Or is there a better way to do this? Maybe that would be a nice addition 
to the MethodHandles API actually. Something to be able to express logic 
and/or. I imagine this could simplify code generation in the JVM and 
reduce the number of Objets you need.

>    if the cache is full will make the bootstrap MH (see below) the
> target dropping the existing cache
> ***if*(site._depth< 10)
>          MethodHandle gwt=MethodHandles./guardWithTest/(test, newTarget,
> site.getRealTarget());
> site._depth= site._depth+ 1;  // bump the depth
>    inserts it at the start of the chain by making it the new target
> site.setRealTarget(gwt);
>    and invokes it ( has to spread the args here as they were compressed
> on the way to the fallback)
>          MethodHandle     invoke=newTarget.asSpreader(Object[].*class*,
> site.getAirity());
> result=(RtObject)invoke.invokeExact((Object[])args);

yeah, in Remi's example it falls back ot a vtable like approach. But 
such things would in my proposal go into the megamorphicFallback and 
there you can of course easily make a handle that will reset the cache

Of course the API I suggested is more complicated, because it tries to 
abstract. Remi's code for example works and is fairly small. But since 
the goal was to have a certain API the JVM can look at in more detail, 
since it will follow a certain structure I tried to come up with 
something we all can use. It is far from perfect of course and surely 
needs simplification here and there or does not consider other things. I 
only thought I give that idea to the list to have some base to work 
with, because I am not sure how I would be able to use your suggest API 
for Groovy for example

bye Jochen

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
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