RFR: JDK-8031043 ClassValue's backing map should have a smaller initial size

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 14:54:21 UTC 2016


Doug suggested to try another variant of resolving hash collisions in 
open-addressing table - using a secondary hash for increment value of 
consecutive probes. Since Java Objects provide only one hashCode() 
function, "secondary" hash is computed from primary hash by 
xorShift(hashCode), for example:

    r ^= r << 13; r ^= r >>> 17; r ^= r << 5;

Such hash is then made "odd" by or-ing with 1 and used as probe 
increment (multiplied by 2 when table uses two slots per entry such as 
in our case).

Adding this strategy to the mix in the simulator:


Gives promising results with MethodType or Object keys (ClassValue keys 
are perfect and don't need this anyway):


The simulation also provides results of probe length distribution for 
linked-nodes table such as ConcurrentHashMap to compare.

Secondary hash as probe stride gives the best average probe length among 
open-addressing strategies and is not dependent very much on the 
insertion order (sorted vs. unsorted) of key's hashes, but it does not 
give best worst-case lookup performance (max. probe length). Worst-case 
lookup among open-addressing tables tried still belongs to quadratic 
probing in combination with sorted insertion order.

I created a secondary-hash probing implementation 
(LinearProbeHashtable3, cyan color in the graph) and compared its 
MethodType keys lookup performance with other variants created before 
and CHM:


Unlike what simulator tells us about average probe length, in practice 
(on my i7-4771 CPU), secondary-hash probing does not excel. I think that 
it suffers from lack of locality of reference - it is not very nice to 
CPU cache. It might have been a better option in the past when CPU 
caches were not so sophisticated. Quadratic probing with sorted 
insertion seems to hit the sweet spot between optimizing the locality of 
reference and average probe length.

"What is a HybridHashtable?", you might ask, since it beats all others 
in the benchmark...

Here's the implementation:


The above simulator shows that for MethodType or Object keys, average 
probe length in linked-nodes tables such as CHM is half the average 
probe length of quadratic probing open-addressing table (~0.25 vs. 
~0.5), but quadratic probing still beats linked-nodes table because it 
has better locality of reference. What simulator also shows is that ~80% 
of linked-nodes buckets contains a single entry (probe-length[0] 
histogram). HybridHashtable looks like open-addressing table for ~80% of 
entries and like linked-nodes table for the rest of them:

  * A lone entry (K1, V1) in hybrid table:
  *            +-- (K1.hashCode() * 2) % table.length
  *            |
  * table      v
  * ---------+----+----+-------------
  *          | K1 | V1 |
  * ---------+----+----+-------------
  * When a second entry (K2, V2) is inserted that happens to hash to the
  * same "bucket", above situation is expanded into:
  * table
  * ---------+----+----+-------------
  *          | K1 | *  |
  * ---------+----+----+-------------
  *                 |
  *                 v         Node
  *               +----+----+----+
  *               | V1 | K2 | V2 |
  *               +----+----+----+
  * Similarly, when a third entry is inserted, we get:
  * table
  * ---------+----+----+-------------
  *          | K1 | *  |
  * ---------+----+----+-------------
  *                 |
  *                 v         Node
  *               +----+----+----+
  *               | V1 | K2 | *  |
  *               +----+----+----+
  *                           |
  *                           v         Node
  *                         +----+----+----+
  *                         | V2 | K3 | V3 |
  *                         +----+----+----+
  * ...and so on.

Such arrangement combines the benefits of locality of reference inherent 
to open-addressing tables with minimal average number of false probes 
which is a property of linked-nodes tables. It seems that in practice, 
it beats other strategies tried here when lookup performance is in question.

Regards, Peter

On 06/13/2016 07:18 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi,
> I explored various strategies to minimize worst-case lookup 
> performance for MethodType keys in LinearProbeHashtable. One idea is 
> from the "Hopscotch hashing" algorithm [1] which tries to optimize 
> placement of keys by moving them around at each insertion or deletion. 
> While a concurrent Hopscotch hashtable is possible, it requires 
> additional "metadata" about buckets which complicates it and does not 
> make it practical for implementing in Java until Java gets value types 
> and arrays of them. The simplest idea until then is to optimize 
> placement of keys when the table is rehashed. Normally when table is 
> rehashed the old table is scanned and entries from it inserted into 
> new table. To achieve similar effect to "Hopscotch hashing", the order 
> in which keys are taken from the old table and inserted into new table 
> is changed. Keys are ordered by increasing bucket index as it would be 
> computed for the key in the new table. Inserting in this order 
> minimizes the worst-case lookup performance. Doing this when rehashing 
> and not at every insertion or deletion guarantees that at least half 
> of keys are optimally placed.
> Another strategy to minimize worst-case lookup performance is to use 
> quadratic probe sequence instead of linear probe sequence. Normally, 
> when looking up a key, slots in the table are probed in the following 
> sequence (seq = 0, 1, 2 ...):
>     index(seq) = (hashCode + seq) % tableLength
> Quadratic probing uses the following probe sequence:
>     index(seq) = (hashCode + seq * (seq + 1) / 2) % tableLength
> Those two strategies can be combined. Here's a simulation of using 
> those two strategies in an open-addressing hashtable:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/misc/LinearProbeHashTable/lpht_MethodType_probe_sequence.txt 
> Using those strategies does not affect the average length of probing 
> sequence much (length of 0 means that the key was found at its home 
> location, length of 1 means that one non-equal key was probed before 
> finding the equal one, etc ...), but worst-case lookup performance is 
> greatly impacted. Combining both strategies minimizes the worst-case 
> lookup performance.
> Benchmarking using those strategies reveals the average lookup 
> performance is consistently better than using CHM:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/misc/LinearProbeHashTable/lpht_MethodType_bench.pdf 
> The last trick to make this happen is stolen from CHM. The method 
> type's key is a WeakReference<MethodType> which caches the hashCode of 
> MethodType. By using cached hashCode in the key's equals() 
> implementation as a means of optimization, we achieve similar effect 
> that CHM achieves when it caches key's hashCode(s) in its Entry objects.
> Here's the source of above benchmark:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/misc/LinearProbeHashTable/lpht_MethodType_bench_src.tgz 
> 3 variations of LinearProbeHashtable are compared with CHM:
>     LinearProbeHashtable - the plain one from webrev.04.4
>     LinearProbeHashtable1 - using sorting of keys when rehashing to 
> optimize their placement
>     LinearProbeHashtable2 - combines sorting of keys with quadratic 
> probe sequence
> I think LinearProbeHashtable2 could be used in MethodType interning 
> without fear of degrading lookup performance.
> Regards, Peter
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopscotch_hashing

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