ClassValue perf?
Peter Levart
peter.levart at
Thu May 5 15:21:15 UTC 2016
Hi Michael,
On 05/04/2016 06:02 PM, Michael Haupt wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> thank you for chiming in again! :-) I'll look at this in depth on Friday.
Good. Because I found bugs in expunging logic and a discrepancy of
behavior when a value is installed concurrently by some other thread and
then later removed while the 1st thread is still calculating the value.
Current ClassValue re-tries the computation until it can make sure there
were no concurrent changes to the entry during its computation. I fixed
both things and verified that the behavior is now the same:
Regards, Peter
> Best,
> Michael
>> Am 04.05.2016 um 17:50 schrieb Peter Levart <peter.levart at
>> <mailto:peter.levart at>>:
>> Hi,
>> On 04/29/2016 10:28 AM, Michael Haupt wrote:
>>> All,
>>> see
>>> <> for a snapshot of
>>> what is currently available.
>>> We have three patches:
>>> * Christian's, which simply reduces the HashMap size,
>>> * Peter's, which refactors ClassValueMap into a WeakHashMap,
>>> * mine, which attempts to introduce the single-value storage
>>> optimisation John had suggested (I worked on performance with
>>> Aleksey - thanks!).
>>> All of these are collected in the patches subdirectory for
>>> convenience. (Peter, I adapted your patch to the new Unsafe location.)
>>> I extended Peter's benchmark (thanks!) to cover single-value
>>> storage; the source code is in the benchmark subdirectory, together
>>> with raw results from running the benchmark with each of the three
>>> patches applied. A results-only overview is in benchmark-results.txt.
>>> The three are roughly on par. I'm not sure the single-value storage
>>> optimisation improves much on footprint given the additional data
>>> that must be kept around to make transition to map storage safe.
>>> Opinions?
>> I must admit that my old patch is very complex, so I doubt anyone
>> will take time to review it. It is almost a clean-room
>> re-implementation of ClassValue API. My main motivation was footprint
>> optimization for all sizes - not just one value per class as I doubt
>> this will be very common situation anyway. Current ClassValue
>> maintains 2 parallel hash-tables per class. A WeakHashMap which is
>> accessed with proper synchronization and an optimized "cache" of
>> entries for quick access. This makes it consume almost 100 bytes per
>> (Class, ClassValue) pair. I managed to almost half the overhead for
>> typical situation (1024 classes x 16 ClassValue(s)), but for the
>> price of complexity.
>> Reviving this thread made me think about ClassValue again and I got
>> another idea. This is an experiment to see if ConcurrentHashMap could
>> be leveraged to implement ClassValue API with little added complexity:
>> And here are the results of a benchmark comparing JDK 9 original with
>> this alternative:
>> It is a little slower for random access of bigger sizes and #s of
>> classes. Most probably a consequence of reduced cache hit ratio as
>> CHM is a classical hash table with buckets implemented as linked list
>> of entries whereas jdk 9 ClassValue cache is a linear-scan hash table
>> which has better cache locality. This is particularly obvious in
>> sequential access where CHM behaves on-par. It's a pity that CHM has
>> a non-changeable load factor of 0.75 as changing this to 0.5 would
>> most certainly improve benchmark results for a little more memory.
>> Where this version excels is in footprint. I managed to more than
>> half the overhead. There's only a single ReferenceQueue needed and
>> consequently expunging of stale data is more prompt and thorough. The
>> code of ClassValue has been more than halved too.
>> What do you think?
>> Regards, Peter
> --
> Oracle <>
> Dr. Michael Haupt | Principal Member of Technical Staff
> Phone: +49 331 200 7277 | Fax: +49 331 200 7561
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