MethodHandle accessing private method of outer class

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Sun Apr 1 01:13:35 UTC 2018

On 01.04.2018 01:51, David Holmes wrote:
Anonymous inner class able to call private method in enclosing class 
directly using method handles and no helper methods
> But 
> MethodHandles went to a lot of trouble to allow the same accesses as the 
> language permits (though sometimes needing to use special mechanisms 
> like 

What really surprised me was that I was able to use the anonymous inner 
class as receiver for the handle I created from the surrounding class 
and still got a successful call. Sure, when I think about an unqualified 
method call in an inner class being able to call to an outer class 
method, then this kind of behaviour makes sense. But having had to do 
with Reflection before and knowing the bytecode side and what javac 
usually generates I was really surprised about this. Ok, I was actually 
already surprised about the lookup object of the inner class allowing me 
to findSpecial that private method of the outer class, but that I 
explained already. I am only not sure if this still qualifies as "same 
accesses as the language permits". Maybe I am overthinking here, because 
I always have trouble to look at code without seeing it from the 
perspective of the compiler. And for the java compiler it is more a 
question about choosing the right receiver, which it can do at compile 
time. Thus it seems not to be necessary to have this. With Java9 
qualifying a lot of things I did do normally as a "you should not do 
this and we actively prevent you from doing this now" I got a bit more 
careful with unexpected features.

> I can't say for sure MH has "always" allowed this 
> (sometimes the implementation has lagged when it comes to private method 
> access, particularly when private interface methods were introduced) - 
> though it would be easy to check.

If this is the expected behaviour for a current JDK8 and newer I am fine.

> Going forward, for JDK 11 we expect JEP 181 "Nestmates" to be in place, 
> which implements the language access semantics consistently across the 
> VM, MH and core reflection. So yes a nested type has full access to its 
> enclosing types, and full access to all other nested types in the same 
> nest (ie all types directly or indirectly nested in a given top-level 
> class).

which means in the future I can do something like this in an inner class?


right now I would have to use setAccessible and the enclosing class 
instance to make this work.

bye Jochen

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