MethodHandle accessing private method of outer class

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Sat Mar 31 16:47:18 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I just noticed something I would like to know if that is correct and as 
specified (before I start using that in my application logic) using java 

> public class Application {
>   public Lookup foo() {
>     Supplier<Lookup> s = new Supplier<Lookup>() {
>       public Lookup get() { return MethodHandles.lookup); }
>     }
>     return s.get();
>   }
> }

what I noticed is that the lookup object returned by the call to foo is 
one with full access rights for the inner class of Application, but it 
seems I am also having full access rights on Application itself. I can 
for example call a private method in Application using a handle created 
using this lookup object.

Is this really as intended? I am asking because Java would realize this 
afaik with a helper method (at least in the past).
Was this always possible with MethodHandles, or did this change?

bye Jochen

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