initialization times for invokedynamic

- liangchenblue at
Mon Sep 11 09:02:16 UTC 2023

Hello Jochen and Claes,
I have done a little debugging and have found the cause, that looking up
pre-generated LambdaForm (mentioned by Claes) causes VM to initialize an
NoSuchMethodError [1] that's later silently dropped [2], but the
NoSuchMethodError constructor is already executed and the stacktrace
filled, causing a significant overhead, as shown in this [3] JMC's
rendering of a JFR recording.

You can capture this NoSuchMethodError construction with IDE debug, even
when running an empty main, on newer JDK versions. I tested with a
breakpoint in NoSuchMethodError(String) constructor and it hits twice (for
instrumentation agent uses reflection, which now depends on Method Handles
after JEP 416 in Java 18).

I think a resolution would be to modify linkResolver so that it can also
resolve speculatively instead of always throwing exceptions, but this might
be too invasive and I want to hear from other developers such as Claes, who
authored the old resolveOrNull silent-dropping patch.

Looking forward to a solution,
Chen Liang


On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 4:41 PM Jochen Theodorou <blackdrag at> wrote:

> I changed my testing a bit to have more infrastructure types and test
> with a fresh VM each time.
> The scenario is still the same: call a method foo with argument 1. foo
> does nothing but returning 0. Implement the call.
> indyDirect:
> bootstrap method selects method and produces constant call-site
> indyDoubleDispatch:
> bootstrap selects a selector method and produces a mutable call-site.
> selector then selects the target method and sets it in the call-site
> reflective:
> a inner class is used to select the method using reflection and directly
> invoke it.
> reflectiveCached:
> same as reflective but caching the selected method
> staticCallSite:
> I have the call abstracted and replace what is called after method
> selection. Here with a direct call to the method using normal Java
> runtimeCallSite:
> I have the call abstracted like staticCallSite, but instead of replacing
> with a direct call I create a class at runtime, which does the direct
> call for me.
> My interest is in the performance of the first few calls. My experiments
> show that at most 5 calls there is no significant performance change
> anymore for a long time. But long time performance is secondary right now.
> Out of these implementations it is no surprise that staticCallSite has
> the least cost, but it is almost on par with the reflective variant.
> That really surprised me. It seems reflection came a long way since the
> old times. There is probably still a lot of cost in the long term, but
> well, I focus on the short term here right now.
> The cached variant really differs not much but if reflection gets a
> score of 41, then the cached variant is at 105. That is surprising much
> for an additional if condition. But if you think of how many
> instructions that involves maybe not that surprising. indyDirect has
> almost the same initial cost as the reflectiveCached. indyDoubleDispatch
> follows with a score of 149... which looks very much like
> reflective+indyDirect-"a small something". At 361 we find
> runtimeCallSite, the slowest by far. The numbers used to be quite
> different for this, but back then MagicAccessor was an option to reduce
> cost.
> My conclusion so far. callsite generation is a questionable option. Not
> only because of performance, but also because of the module system.
> Though we have cases where we can use the static variant.
> The next best is actually reflective. But how would you combine
> reflective with something that has better long term performance? Even a
> direct call with indy costs much more.
> I think I have to change my tests.. I think I should test a scenario in
> which I have a quite big number - like 1 million - of one-time
> call-sites to get really conclusive numbers... Of course that means 1
> million direct method handles for indy.
> Well, I will write again if I have more numbers.
> bye Jochen
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