initialization times for invokedynamic
liangchenblue at
Mon Sep 11 12:50:36 UTC 2023
Hi Claes,
After looking at the usages of resolveOrFail in VarHandle, I believe
changing the runtime's THROW_MSG_NULL template occurrences in linkResolver
would be a better approach, for resolveOrFail is currently the most
efficient way for finding particular members; reflection, on the other
hand, has to perform a search over the list of all methods to find one
that's accessible.
On an unrelated note, VarForm can probably substitute failed resolution
MemberName with dummy ones like that for Object.toString so we don't need
to query resolveOrNull repeatedly.
On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 5:28 PM Claes Redestad <claes.redestad at>
> Hi,
> It’s been something I’ve wanted to get rid of, sure. An alternative that
> wouldn’t require changes to the runtime code would be to store a table of
> LFs that have actually been generated and skip the speculative VM call.
> This can be done in a few different ways, would add a little overhead on
> hits but remove the exception overhead (which clutters JFR recordings) on
> misses
> /Claes
> 11 sep. 2023 kl. 11:02 skrev liangchenblue at
> Hello Jochen and Claes,
> I have done a little debugging and have found the cause, that looking up
> pre-generated LambdaForm (mentioned by Claes) causes VM to initialize an
> NoSuchMethodError [1] that's later silently dropped [2], but the
> NoSuchMethodError constructor is already executed and the stacktrace
> filled, causing a significant overhead, as shown in this [3] JMC's
> rendering of a JFR recording.
> You can capture this NoSuchMethodError construction with IDE debug, even
> when running an empty main, on newer JDK versions. I tested with a
> breakpoint in NoSuchMethodError(String) constructor and it hits twice (for
> instrumentation agent uses reflection, which now depends on Method Handles
> after JEP 416 in Java 18).
> I think a resolution would be to modify linkResolver so that it can also
> resolve speculatively instead of always throwing exceptions, but this might
> be too invasive and I want to hear from other developers such as Claes, who
> authored the old resolveOrNull silent-dropping patch.
> Looking forward to a solution,
> Chen Liang
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 4:41 PM Jochen Theodorou <blackdrag at>
> wrote:
>> I changed my testing a bit to have more infrastructure types and test
>> with a fresh VM each time.
>> The scenario is still the same: call a method foo with argument 1. foo
>> does nothing but returning 0. Implement the call.
>> indyDirect:
>> bootstrap method selects method and produces constant call-site
>> indyDoubleDispatch:
>> bootstrap selects a selector method and produces a mutable call-site.
>> selector then selects the target method and sets it in the call-site
>> reflective:
>> a inner class is used to select the method using reflection and directly
>> invoke it.
>> reflectiveCached:
>> same as reflective but caching the selected method
>> staticCallSite:
>> I have the call abstracted and replace what is called after method
>> selection. Here with a direct call to the method using normal Java
>> runtimeCallSite:
>> I have the call abstracted like staticCallSite, but instead of replacing
>> with a direct call I create a class at runtime, which does the direct
>> call for me.
>> My interest is in the performance of the first few calls. My experiments
>> show that at most 5 calls there is no significant performance change
>> anymore for a long time. But long time performance is secondary right now.
>> Out of these implementations it is no surprise that staticCallSite has
>> the least cost, but it is almost on par with the reflective variant.
>> That really surprised me. It seems reflection came a long way since the
>> old times. There is probably still a lot of cost in the long term, but
>> well, I focus on the short term here right now.
>> The cached variant really differs not much but if reflection gets a
>> score of 41, then the cached variant is at 105. That is surprising much
>> for an additional if condition. But if you think of how many
>> instructions that involves maybe not that surprising. indyDirect has
>> almost the same initial cost as the reflectiveCached. indyDoubleDispatch
>> follows with a score of 149... which looks very much like
>> reflective+indyDirect-"a small something". At 361 we find
>> runtimeCallSite, the slowest by far. The numbers used to be quite
>> different for this, but back then MagicAccessor was an option to reduce
>> cost.
>> My conclusion so far. callsite generation is a questionable option. Not
>> only because of performance, but also because of the module system.
>> Though we have cases where we can use the static variant.
>> The next best is actually reflective. But how would you combine
>> reflective with something that has better long term performance? Even a
>> direct call with indy costs much more.
>> I think I have to change my tests.. I think I should test a scenario in
>> which I have a quite big number - like 1 million - of one-time
>> call-sites to get really conclusive numbers... Of course that means 1
>> million direct method handles for indy.
>> Well, I will write again if I have more numbers.
>> bye Jochen
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