Are Nashorn/jjs built in objects documented anywhere?

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Sun Jun 30 20:40:50 PDT 2013


Nashorn implements ECMAScript 262 Edition 5.1 ( ). Top level "JSON" 
object and it's 'parse' and 'stringify' methods are specified in that 

There are a few nashorn specific extensions - which will be documented 
in "Java scripting programmer's guide" before jdk8 is released.  In the 
meanwhile, you can check out nashorn mercurial repo from here:

and check out $nashorn/docs directory.

Hope this helps,

On Monday 01 July 2013 05:20 AM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> First post so apologies if my terminology is off.
> I started experimenting with jjs today and thought I would have a go at loading some JSON data that's of interest to me. So I started Googling around for the best way to do that.
> I quickly figured out that within jjs there's a top level object defined called JSON which has a method called parse().
> But that leads to a question: should I be writing code that uses objects that I find by accident like this? Are they a public API which will be possible to rely on?
> How can I find out what exists in general and whether it is public or an implementation detail?
> AndyT (lordpixel - the cat who walks through walls)
> A little bigger on the inside
> 	(see you later space cowboy, you can't take the sky from me)

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