Bug report: JavaScript arrays are not coerced into Java arrays when calling Java functions that expect arrays

Tal Liron tal.liron at threecrickets.com
Wed Oct 9 06:42:20 PDT 2013

I deem this feature important for Nashorn's adoption: if I could submit 
a patch soon, would it be possible to make it in time for release?

On 10/09/2013 04:15 PM, Jim Laskey (Oracle) wrote:
> After consideration and from my own experiences, I'm going to add as a 
> feature request.  However, code freeze is next week, so it's extremely 
> likely this will not show up until first non-security update.
> JDK-8026113 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8026113>

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