Bug report: instanceof incompatible with mozilla_compat's importClass

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
Thu Oct 10 21:29:51 PDT 2013


FWIW, I fixed repeated __noSuchProperty__ chaining in importPackage as 
part of

changeset:   598:e60bbcf2f6b6
user:        sundar
date:        Thu Oct 10 13:17:57 2013 +0200
summary:     8026248: importClass has to be a varargs function

If it reproduces with smaller test case, we'll revisit again.

On Object.defineProperty: this is to use have correct "enumerability" 
for additional global properties. i.e., don't want to start enumerating 
more properties -- and be on par with the other builit-in globals.


On Thursday 10 October 2013 09:03 PM, Tal Liron wrote:
> Thanks for your efforts, Sundar. This bug is proving very hard to 
> isolate... all my attempts at a simple example don't reproduce the 
> bug. (It occurs in a rather complex program in a Scripturian 
> environment.)
> I have a question, though, on my current line of inquiry: Why does the 
> definition of importClass in mozilla_compat use Object.defineProperty 
> on "this"? This approach seems to limit portability. Is there no way 
> to access the global scope from JavaScript? Or, perhaps, would it be 
> possible to use the Object prototype instead?
> On 10/10/2013 05:47 PM, A. Sundararajan wrote:
>> Hmm.. does not seem to be the case..

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