poking objects into context?

Rod Nim rod.nim at outlook.com
Thu Oct 24 20:25:42 PDT 2013

That's all just standard JSR223 stuff - all Nashorn agnostic:
//Pass in contextScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");Map<String, String> cx = new HashMap<>();engine.put("console", new MyConsoleObject());engine.eval("console.log('Nashorn')"); //Compile a scriptCompilable compiler = (Compilable) engine; //Nashorn implements Compilable CompiledScript script = compiler.compile("function add(a, b) { return a+b }");...Object result = script.eval();
> Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 19:49:08 -0700
> Subject: poking objects into context?
> From: mike at 7f.com
> To: nashorn-dev at openjdk.java.net
> I had another couple of basic questions.
> 1) If my script is "pure" javascript provided by someone else, and I don't
> want to interfere with the script by pre-pending some java objects into it,
> what's the prescribed way for getting said objects into the execution
> context.  I'm thinking about substitutes some commonly used browser objects
> like console in the first case, but also potentially objects which enable
> communication back into the wider environment I would be using the scripts
> in.  Of course, I can declare references to said objects in the script, but
> external insertion would I think be more elegant.
> 2) If I have a lot of instances of the same script running in different
> places in my java environment, is there a way to (a) get the script from
> one ScriptEngine and place the compiled form into another (thus avoiding
> the overhead of a second compilation) or (b) create a secondary instance of
> the same (I assume) ScriptObject which does not share state with the
> original instance.
> thanks in advance
> M

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