what is the bug in this?

André Bargull andrebargull at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 30 06:19:44 PDT 2013

On 10/30/2013 1:43 PM, A. Sundararajan wrote:
> Hi,
> In one of the lists you submitted, the following is mentioned:
> jjs> Function("return function() { eval(''); return anonymous; }")
> Expected: throws ReferenceError
> Actual: returns function
> Why is ReferenceError expected in the above? Will you please explain? 
> I checked other impls too - none throw error (just like nashorn). Am I 
> missing something?
> -Sundar

Hmm, good question. Most likely I made a copy-paste error and then came 
to the wrong conclusion.

By the looks of the test case I was testing for the .name property of 
functions created by the Function() constructor. In JavaScriptCore and 
SpiderMonkey, `Function("").name` is "anonymous" [1], but that must not 
create a binding for "anonymous", that means `Function("return 
function() { eval(''); return anonymous; }")()()` must throw a 
ReferenceError. Possibly I copy-pasted that code to the nashorn shell 
without the trailing `()()` parentheses and then noticed no 
ReferenceError was thrown and by that came to the wrong conclusion that 
nashorn has the same binding bug as [2].

Sorry for the confusion!

- André

[2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636635

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