Compilation failure due to mismatching internal classes in the boot JDK

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Tue Jan 21 02:40:56 PST 2014

Nasgen (build time) tool needs ASM to manipulate classes. If not for 
JDK's own copy of ASM, it'd need to bring another ASM copy or use 
another class manipulation library (but why not ASM when we have it in 
JDK for nashorn as well as other JDK components?)

Not sure of the boot jdk. AFAIK, when we do full jdk build, ASM classes 
under $jdk_repo/src/share/classes/jdk/internal directory is built and 
that is used to run nasgen. When building jdk8, boot jdk would be jdk7 - 
which does not even have ASM classes in it. I think ASM classes come 
from the built jdk ($nashorn_repo/make/BuildNashorn.gmk has the details)


On Tuesday 21 January 2014 12:53 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:
> On 01/20/2014 02:36 PM, A. Sundararajan wrote:
>> Will you please try the most  recent jdk8 build ? (which is jdk8 b123 as
>> of today).
> Will try.
>> PS. That ASM change to add a boolean flag to visitMethodInsn went quite
>> sometime back - but I don't recall which build exactly.
> But is is really a good idea that Nashorn depends on these internal 
> classes from the boot JDK?

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