Review request for JDK-8042118

Attila Szegedi attila.szegedi at
Mon May 5 12:31:08 UTC 2014

Please review JDK-8042118 at <>

Note that this is a pretty large changeset, because the change is architecturally big. Namely, it separates types from symbols, and as you can imagine that ripples through the codebase into pretty deep places, together with the need to introduce calculation of static types for local variables etc.

The overall benefit (in addition to cleaner architecture for some of the compiler stages) is a noticeable performance improvement we register on benchmarks, stemming from the fact that the compiler can now treat a single local variable as having different types in different parts of the function, and optimize accordingly.

I actually wrote up fairly detailed change notes for this, they are below: is now a String, not an IdentNode
Symbol class no longer contains a Type. Expressions have types directly now, either explicit or calculated from their subexpressions.
Only identifiers (IdentNode) have symbols.
Corollary: there are no longer temporary symbols; Symbol.IS_TEMP is gone, as is TemporarySymbols class.
Attr is separated into three phases: AssignSymbols, OptimisticTypesCalculator and LocalVariableTypesCalculator.
RangeAnalyzer class is gone. We don’t really need range analysis with optimistic and lvar type calculation.
FinalizeTypes class is gone. Fixups that it did are no longer needed.
DISCARD node is gone. The knowledge about whether it’s safe to discard a computation is moved into CodeGenerator which has a loadAndDiscard()method now. Some side-effect free discarded computations are now completely eliminated by the code generator.
BreakNode and ContinueNode now have a common superclass, JumpStatement.
There’s a new class named LocalVariableConversion, that is basically a linked list of triplets of (symbol, fromType, toType) specifying symbol type widenings that need to be performed on entry to a control flow join points.
There’s a new interface named JoinPredecessor. It’s implemented by AST nodes that need to carry a LocalVariableConversion as they can either originate an edge to a control flow join point, or can even fully contain one. JoinPredecessor only provides a getter and setter for a LocalVariableConversion; the semantics of control flow for a particular AST node are shared between the LocalVariableTypesCalculator that creates the conversion, and the CodeGenerator that uses it.
BranchOptimizer can generate code that inserts local variable conversions on control flow join edges, since short-circuiting logical AND and OR operators contain control flow joins.
Sometimes, an arbitrary expression needs to act as a JoinPredecessor (e.g. a test of a for or a while loop precedes the join point that is the target of the continue statement). JoinPredecessorExpression is introduced as a wrapper for an arbitrary Expression that decorates it with JoinPredecessorfunctionality.
A single local variable can use multiple JVM method local variable slots now. If it is assigned both an int and later an Object, it’ll have two slots: one for int value, and one for Object. In most extreme case, it can end up using 6 slots: 1 for int, 2 for long, 2 for double, and 1 for Object value.
Consequently, if the type calculator can prove that a variable is never read from a particular type, it will not allocate it a slot. A variable that is never read will end up taking up 0 slots and thus effectively get eliminated.
On entry to generated methods, it is sometimes now required to copy values from incoming parameter slots if one or more parameter will also later be assigned a different type (storage for a single symbol is continous). E.g. in the below snippet: 
 function f(a, b) { a = 1.0; print(a); a = ""; print(a); return b;}
 f(1, 2);
“b” needs to be moved from incoming slot 3 for f(callee, this, int a, int b) to slot 6, as “a” needs 3 additional slots for double and Object values.
As a consequence, inferParameters() is no longer needed; method signatures always preserve the type of methods on entry, as the symbol for the parameter (just as any other symbol) is no longer tied to a single type.
codegen.Label.Stack is now a misnomer; we’ll end up renaming it to Label.Frame, as it now also carries information about local variable types: what their types are, which ones belong to the same symbol, and which ones are temporary variables. This information is used to ensure that types are consistent at join points as well as for other codegen purposes.
Both LocalVariableTypesCalculator and CodeGenerator calculate static reachability precisely. We should not emit dead code that ASM replaces withNOP, NOP, ... ATHROW anymore (except in rest-of methods, where they’re by design).
Type.BOOLEAN is automatically treated as Type.INT for purposes of arithmetic operations, as they’re both represented by ints on stack and would be converted to int anyway.
Explicit optimistic flags in expressions exist no more. Rather, every expression that can be optimistic will have an assigned type. It’s the job of the CodeGenerator to figure out the appropriate intersection of an expression’s type, it’s coercing type (e.g. if it’s used as a subexpression in bitwise operation it’ll be coerced to int anyway), and its most pessimistic type (if its type can’t be more pessimistic, it isn’t optimistic) and decide whether to emit an optimistic INVOKEDYNAMIC call site or not.
Since Expression.isOptimistic() determines if the expression has a narrower type than its most pessimistic type, FunctionNode now uses a different method, FunctionNode.canBeDeoptimized() to determine if it contains optimistic program points.
BinaryNode has probably the most complex type calculation; it provides methods for calculating its type, as well as the widest required type of its operands. It also caches the result of the last type calculation as otherwise we’d have some nasty quadratic times in evaluation of types of deep node trees.
void return values (of POJO methods) are now converted to Undefined, instead of to null. As a future step, we’ll emit dyn:call for discarded expressions with void return type, and also declare bytecode methods for functions that don’t return an explicit value as void.
Finally, the code generator changes. I’m dedicating a separate section to these.

CodeGenerator doesn’t have any enterXxx() methods for expressions anymore, only for statements. This is to make the code more robust; an expression never occurs naked in JavaScript, it’s always inside a statement. Instead, there’s loadExpression() (former load()) that has a visitor that delegates to various private loadXxx() methods that contain the code equivalent to the old enterXxx() methods.
there’s a LoadScopeVar that encapsulates the loading of a scoped variable; it has a subclass named LoadFastScopeVar.
CodeGenerator internally loads expressions using TypeBounds. This is a pair of Type objects - a lower bound and an upper bound. E.g. when loading “a * b” if we know that “a” is int and “b” is long, then the type bound for the operands is [long, double] (“a” must be loaded at least as a long because “b” is long, and they should never be wider than double, ‘cause that’s what the multiplication coerces them to). However, if the “*” operator is optimistic and typed as long (can’t be int if it has a long operand), then we’ll attempt to load the operands as [int, double] and [long, double]; giving the chance to “a” to still load as optimistic int and only widening it after load. I think this all works as expected; binary operands widen the lower bounds of their peer operands and potentially of operations (put widening pressure from bottom up), while operations narrow the upper bounds of their operands (put narrowing pressure from top down). We’ll obviously need to stare at final code output of our benchmarks to capture some corner cases that might’ve fell through the cracks…
test-first loops (all of them except do-while) are now emitted with their test first, then their body, then an unconditional jump back to the test. I realize this seems less efficient than emitting the test at the end, but unfortunately now that we need to perform type calculations there’s no easy way to do them correctly if we first emit the body, and only afterwards emit the test. I might be able to overcome this later. I spoke with Rickard Bäckman, and he doesn’t think HotSpot cares one way or the other about structuring of the loop.
Normally, join points that widen a local variable value type kill the narrower value. Thus, at most one type of the value is live for a symbol at any time. An exception to this are local variables assigned in try blocks if they need to be widened before they can be used in catch blocks. In that case, code in the try block will perform widening as part of the assignment (as we can’t know when will we transfer control to the catch block), but it will keep using the narrower value. The narrower value is only killed (unless reassigned) at the end of the try block. E.g.: 
  var i;
  try {
      i = 1; // stored into int slot, and also boxed into Object slot
      print(i); // uses int slot
      // int slot dies here
  } catch(e) {
      print(i); // must use i Object slot as i can be Undefined
  print(i); // also uses i Object slot

That’s also the reason why IdentNode implements JoinPredecessor; it needs to be able to carry a conversion on the edge from within try block to catch block when it’s used as the target of an assignment. Since we can’t know when will such a control flow transfer take place, we conservatively move the conversion to the assignment.
OptimisticOperation assumed new responsibilities. It is now created holding the Expression and TypeBounds, and it is its sole centralized responsibility to figure out if the operation will indeed be optimistic or not, as an interaction between the expression’s type, its most pessimistic type, and the passed type bounds. It now owns the the dynamicGet(), dynamicSet(), dynamicCall(), replaceCompileTimeProperty(), and convertOptimisticReturnValue() methods that formerly belonged to the CodeGenerator class.

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