Rhino shell compatibility

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
Tue May 13 03:58:17 UTC 2014


mozilla_compat.js provides only few things for transition -- not every 
Rhino shell extension is supported by that. Only a subset of "non-shell" 
rhino extensions are supported. JavaAdapter in mozilla_compat.js is a 
cover over nashorn's own Java.extend. Java.extend, Java.type - are 
stricter in that errors/exceptions are preferred compared to silently 
returning false/providing empty method etc.


On Monday 12 May 2014 09:57 PM, David P. Caldwell wrote:
> I don't know how much compatibility is the goal, and I may be doing
> something wrong, but it looks like (running JDK 1.8.0_05) there are
> three incompatibilities between the Rhino shell and the
> mozilla_compat.js implementation provided with Nashorn.
> There may be reasons for these incompatibilities. But just in case
> there are not,
> 1. readFile appears to be absent,
> 2. readUrl appears to be absent,
> 3. The JavaAdapter implementation no longer appears to silently
> provide delegate methods that return null; instead the default
> implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
> Obviously I know how to work around these differences, but they cause
> some software to need modification to run under Nashorn even with the
> compatibility layer.
> Thoughts?
> -- David P. Caldwell
> http://www.davidpcaldwell.com/

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