Forcing elements of List to be converted as java.lang.Long

Attila Szegedi attila.szegedi at
Thu Nov 27 14:01:11 UTC 2014

You're right about that, Rémi. However, even in Java you can twist things with unchecked casts so that you pass a List<Object> to this method and force it into a ClassCastException, so I'm not sure if us going out of our way to inject a suitable conversion would be desired.

On Nov 27, 2014, at 12:59 AM, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:

> On 11/27/2014 12:37 AM, Tim Fox wrote:
>> Hi Attila,
>> I understand the generic type info is erased, but my question was whether there is any way I can "force" Nashorn to convert the elements as Long rather than Integer when doing the conversion, e.g. using some special Nashorn specific syntax, e.g.
>> var arr = [123];
>> arr.forceConversionAsLong = true; // A contrived example but you get the point :)
>> (or whatever)
> BTW, generic info like this one are preserved because javac need them to cross compile.
> so nashorn could inspect the generic signature and if there is one try to do the suitable conversion.
> Rémi
>> On 26/11/14 21:50, Attila Szegedi wrote:
>>> I don't think so. As the types are erased at run time all we see is a method with signature foo(List list). I think if you tried to add two methods to a class:
>>>     public void foo(List<Long> x) { }
>>>     public void foo(List<Integer> x) { }
>>> then javac would refuse to compile it saying that both have the same erasure.
>>> Attila.
>>> On Nov 26, 2014, at 10:45 PM, Tim Fox <timvolpe at> wrote:
>>>> Hello folks,
>>>> I have a Java method:
>>>> public void foo(List<Long> list) {
>>>>  System.out.println("elem0 is " + list.get(0));
>>>> }
>>>> Which I call from JS with a JS array:
>>>> This results in a ClassCastException as Nashorn converts the JS Array into a java.util.List instance which contains a java.lang.Integer element (not java.lang.Long)
>>>> Is there any way to force Nashorn to convert the array elements as Longs not Integers?
>>>> Thanks.

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