JJS tool

Mitia Alexandrov mitiaalexandrov at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 15:08:48 UTC 2014

Hello Jim,

Thank you for your attention and support! I¹ve still downloaded the
sources and seen this myself! Now I¹m diving even deeper into the code.

Thank you anyway!



On 08.10.14, 18:02, "Jim Laskey (Oracle)" <james.laskey at oracle.com> wrote:

>You can find details in
>You can add a soft link to the command to simplify access (see
>ell.html ), but otherwise you add $JAVE_HOME/bin to your path or use
>$JAVE_HOME/bin/jjs .
>It compiles on the fly.
>-- Jim
>On Sep 30, 2014, at 8:08 AM, Mitia Alexandrov <mitiaalexandrov at gmail.com>
>> Hello,
>> I'm new here, so sorry for the stupid questions I may post.
>> I'm very exited about the Nashorn project and i want to dive deeper in
>> details. As the first thing i want to know is about jjs tool. Actually,
>> couldn't find it in the sources.
>> I really want to understand how it works ­ does it compile on the fly
>>or it
>> just interprets?
>> Thank you for any info and guidance.
>> Best regards,
>> Mitia

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