Any plans for optimizing engine.eval() ?

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Thu Sep 25 06:01:13 UTC 2014


Also, you may want to try

-Dnashorn.args=--optimistic-types=false (for 8u40 and 9)

or to use both options

-Dnashorn.args="--global-per-engine --optimistic-types=false (for 8u40 
and 9)

Please post your numbers with these options and also link to source of 
your app or a reduced test of similar usage pattern.


On Thursday 25 September 2014 11:24 AM, A. Sundararajan wrote:
> Hi Roland,
> Please add -Dnashorn.args=--global-per-engine to your command line and 
> check the numbers. Also, as Hannes said, if it is possible for us to 
> look up your code or pattern used in your code in a test, we may be 
> able to help bit more.
> Thanks,
> -Sundar
> On Thursday 25 September 2014 02:25 AM, Hannes Wallnoefer wrote:
>> Hi Roland,
>> Given that you execute all scripts only once, most of the Nashorn 
>> execution time is probably spent in compilation and linking of 
>> invokedynamic callsites. Although Nashorn is faster than Rhino once 
>> it is warmed up, it takes longer to get there. In other words: If you 
>> run your scripts more than once you should eventually see Nashorn 
>> getting faster.
>> That said, I'm a bit surprised about how much the numbers diverge. 
>> Would it be possible to let us see the code you are running? This way 
>> we might be able to give you advice on how to improve performance, or 
>> it may help us to find bottlenecks in Nashorn.
>> Thanks,
>> Hannes
>> Am 2014-09-24 um 11:12 schrieb Houtman, Roland:
>>> Hi Dev,
>>> The first time a script is run, Nashorn seems to rely on the 
>>> interpreting the script. But it isn't performing as Rhino did (at all).
>>> I've tried the engines coming with the following JDK's
>>> JDK 1.7u45
>>> JKD 1.8u20
>>> JDK 1.8.0_40 (build 6)
>>> The time I measured is the total execution time of 200 separate 
>>> instances with all different scripts, all running only once.
>>> (The test script is a nothing more than getting an object from an 
>>> array, do an if/else, and storing the result in another array.)
>>> -- 
>>> JDK 1.7u45 CompiledScript.eval()    219 msec
>>> -
>>> JKD 1.8u20 CompiledScript.eval()    13613 msec
>>> JDK 1.8u20 Engine.eval()        14002 msec
>>> -
>>> JDK 1.8.0_40 CompiledScript.eval()    26396 msec
>>> -- 
>>> I notice that it takes up to 60 seconds before Nashorn is ready 
>>> creating&loading classes to run, and running at good speed.
>>> In that timespan execution is very slow. (and seems to by 
>>> interpreting the script far less optimal than Rhino)
>>> Can anyone give me insight in what is happening and where/how to 
>>> seek improvements?
>>> Regards,
>>> Roland

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