Using === across different contexts

Sundararajan Athijegannathan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Tue Dec 22 04:10:27 UTC 2015

Actually, I'm not sure if depending on === in the code is a good 
approach -- particularly, for objects  that are not script objects of 
the current world. These are to be treated like "host objects" in 
ECMAScript-speak. i.e., regular rules of script objects don't always 
apply to 'host objects'.  The === operator for Java objects is 
interpreted as object identity -- and the same rule for 
ScriptObjectMirrors -- in that both are "host objects" from the 
standpoint of the 'current world'.


On 12/22/2015 9:34 AM, Vivin Suresh Paliath wrote:
> Thanks for the response! I understand that in general it would be 
> difficult for foreign objects. But this seems like surprising behavior 
> given that these are both JavaScript objects. That they are unequal 
> seems to be an artifact of the implementation (the fact that JS 
> objects from different contexts are treated as foreign). Could JS 
> objects be treated differently?
> After going through the Nashorn source, I decided to try this very 
> naive approach adding the following test to 
> ScriptRuntime#equalSameTypeValues:
> if(x instanceof ScriptObjectMirror && y instanceof ScriptObjectMirror) {
>     return x.equals(y);
> }
> After this change, the code now returns true, because 
> ScriptObjectMirror#equals compares the actual objects. I am not sure 
> if this breaks anything though (been trying to run the test suite, but 
> end up getting some errors from make). Is there a reason this 
> particular fix is a bad idea? I can't think of a particular reason 
> why. From the perspective of the runtime, I can't see a reason why 
> those two objects should be considered different.
> I will investigate the eval approach, but ideally I would like 
> something that doesn't impose any changes on the JS code. I am 
> developing a simple runtime that exposes some objects and utilities, 
> and where custom scripts can run in their own contexts. The fact that 
> === returns false in these cases leads to some very strange behavior.
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Sundararajan Athijegannathan 
> <sundararajan.athijegannathan at 
> <mailto:sundararajan.athijegannathan at>> wrote:
>     Unless we create mirrors as weak refs internally (i.e., maintain
>     1:1 with underlying foreign object reference), there is no easy
>     solution. And maintaining such weak refs is unnecessarily complex.
>     "Foreign object" call/access is mean to be just a "lightweight
>     wrapper" based access. That said, you can do the === on the
>     foreign context itself. You can call ScriptObjectMirror's eval to
>     evaluate === test in that foreign context. That would get right
>     object identity.
>     -Sundar
>     On 12/22/2015 4:26 AM, Vivin Suresh Paliath wrote:
>         One more thing I noticed is that apparently a new
>         ScriptObjectMirror
>         instance is probably being created each time x is
>         dereferenced, so "e.x ===
>         e.x" also returns "false".
>         On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Vivin Suresh Paliath <
>         vivin.paliath at <mailto:vivin.paliath at>> wrote:
>             I ran into an issue where === returns false even when both
>             should be
>             pointing to the same object. I'm assuming this is because
>             one of the
>             objects is wrapped by a ScriptObjectMirror, because it was
>             defined in a
>             different context.
>             Here's some code that demonstrates this:
>                      ScriptEngine engine = new
>             NashornScriptEngineFactory().getScriptEngine(
>                          new String[] { "-strict" }
>                      );
>                      try {
>                          engine.eval("function Foo(src) { this.src =
>             src }; var e = {
>             x: new Foo(\"what\") };");
>                          ScriptContext c = new SimpleScriptContext();
>                          c.setBindings(engine.createBindings(),
>             ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
>             c.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE).putAll(engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE));
>                          System.out.println(engine.eval("var z = e.x;
>             z === e.x;", c));
>                      } catch(Exception e) {
>                          throw new RuntimeException(e);
>                      }
>             This prints out "false". Is there a way around this? I am
>             also explicitly
>             copying over all the bindings from the parent scope into
>             the new scope so
>             that I have access to "e". Could this be the source of the
>             problem, and if
>             so, is there a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
>             --
>             Ruin untold;
>             And thine own sadness,
>             Sing in the grass,
>             When eve has forgot, that no more hear common things that
>             gleam and pass;
>             But seek alone to lip, sad Rose of love and ruin untold;
>             And thine own mother
>             Can know it as I know
>             More than another
>             What makes your own sadness,
>             Set in her eyes.
>             map{@n=split//;$j.=$n[0]x$n[1]}split/:/,"01:11:02".
>             ":11:01:11:02:13:01:11:01:11:01:13:02:12:01:13:01".
>             ":11:04:11:06:12:04:11:01:12:01:13:02:12:01:14:01".
>             ":13:01:11:03:12:01:11:04:12:02:11:01:11:01:13:02".
>             ":11:03:11:06:11:01:11:05:12:02:11:01:11:01:13:02".
>             ":11:02:12:01:12:04:11:06:12:01:11:04:12:04:11:01".
>             ":12:03:12:01:12:01:11:01:12:01:12:02:11:01:11:01".
>             ":13:02:11:01:02:11:01:12:02";map{print chr unpack"
>             i",pack"B32",$_}$j=~m/.{8}/g
> -- 
> Ruin untold;
> And thine own sadness,
> Sing in the grass,
> When eve has forgot, that no more hear common things that gleam and pass;
> But seek alone to lip, sad Rose of love and ruin untold;
> And thine own mother
> Can know it as I know
> More than another
> What makes your own sadness,
> Set in her eyes.|
> map{@n=split//;$j.=$n[0]x$n[1]}split/:/,"01:11:02".
> ":11:01:11:02:13:01:11:01:11:01:13:02:12:01:13:01".
> ":11:04:11:06:12:04:11:01:12:01:13:02:12:01:14:01".
> ":13:01:11:03:12:01:11:04:12:02:11:01:11:01:13:02".
> ":11:03:11:06:11:01:11:05:12:02:11:01:11:01:13:02".
> ":11:02:12:01:12:04:11:06:12:01:11:04:12:04:11:01".
> ":12:03:12:01:12:01:11:01:12:01:12:02:11:01:11:01".
> ":13:02:11:01:02:11:01:12:02";map{print chr unpack"
> i",pack"B32",$_}$j=~m/.{8}/g
> |

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