Nashorn, javax.script.filename, and load()

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Mon Jul 13 17:18:21 UTC 2015

Yes, I figured out that! "jrunscript" tool [which is a javax.script 
based tool independent of "nashorn"] sets javax.script.filename to be 
"<string>", when script is executed with -e option in command line.

As I mentioned "nashorn" itself does not set that value - it only uses 
it as name for script evaluated using "eval". And 'load' of nashorn uses 
the URL/file name of the loaded script as name for the script.

Summary: Nashorn uses javax.script.filename uses as "source name" of the 
generated class *only* for engine.eval calls. For "load", it uses the 
URL/file name of the loaded script as "source name". As for 
javax.script.filename variable, Nashorn never sets - only uses it.

"jrunscript"'s init.js defines it's own "load" if 'load' is not defined 
by underlying engine - For Rhino script engine in jdk7, that load is 
used [as embedded Rhino engine does not define load]. The "load" defined 
by init.js sets javax.script.filename to be the load url!!

If you consistently want javax.script.filename to be available for 
'load', I think you may have to save nashorn's load and define your own 
load which will set it and delegate to nashorn's load.

Hope this helps,

On Monday 13 July 2015 07:02 PM, David P. Caldwell wrote:
> Yes, this test "works" (as in demonstrates the problem):
> $ jrunscript -e
> "load('')"
> stack =
> javax.script.filename = <string>
> -- David.
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 8:59 AM, A. Sundararajan
> <sundararajan.athijegannathan at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> AFAIK "javax.script.filename" is not set nashorn code anywhere. It is just
>> read to find source name for engine.eval calls.
>> "load" builtin is not related to jsr-223 API. It works regardless of jsr-223
>> usage and so it does not use (nor writes!) javax.script.filename property.
>> Is there a source link (the links in your email give me "error") or a
>> standalone test?
>> Thanks,
>> -Sundar
>> On Saturday 11 July 2015 01:59 AM, David P. Caldwell wrote:
>>> According to the documentation for javax.script.ScriptEngine, the key
>>> javax.script.ScriptEngine.FILENAME should point to the current file
>>> being executed. And it does, when executing a local file.
>>> But when executing a file from a URL using load(), it does not work. I
>>> can reliably get the URL using some rigamarole (see below), but I'd
>>> like a method that's portable across JDK 6-8 (or so).
>>> Here's the output of the following snippet when executing locally:
>>> Snippet:
>>>"stack = " + new
>>> var global = (function() { return this; })();
>>>"javax.script.filename = " +
>>> global[String(Packages.javax.script.ScriptEngine.FILENAME)]);
>>> Output under JDK 8 locally:
>>> stack = rhino/jrunscript/api.js
>>> javax.script.filename = rhino/jrunscript/api.js
>>> Output under JDK 8 executing over HTTP via -e load('url'):
>>> stack =
>>> javax.script.filename = <string>
>>> And further inspection indicates that's a *string* "<string>"
>>> Here's JDK 7 for comparison:
>>> Output under JDK 7 locally:
>>> stack =
>>> javax.script.filename = rhino/jrunscript/api.js
>>> Output under JDK 7 executing over HTTP via -e load('url'):
>>> stack =
>>> javax.script.filename =
>>> Thoughts?
>>> -- David P. Caldwell

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