Help us make Nashorn great: 8u60 Rampdown 2 draws near

Attila Szegedi attila.szegedi at
Mon Jun 8 16:48:35 UTC 2015

Dear Nashorn users,

a significant deadline is approaching for JDK 8u60 (and by extension, Nashorn) in June, namely the Rampdown 2 milestone; it was announced at < <>> and you can see the milestones at < <>>. We would appreciate if you have the opportunity to test your own Nashorn-using software with current Early Access releases of 8u60 available at < <>> (new builds are released frequently). Until Rampdown 2, it is easier for us to fix bugs and get the fixes in the 8u-dev repo so that it catches the 8u60 train. With Rampdown 2, stabilization begins and as a general rule in that phase only showstopper bugs will be considered.

Thank You,

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