Nasgen: static initializer prefix: member count is sometimes 1 more than what is needed

A. Sundararajan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Wed Jun 17 16:53:07 UTC 2015


Good find! Filed a bug:


On Wednesday 17 June 2015 07:16 PM, Ahmed Ashour wrote:
> Hi all,
> During digging a little into the bytecode generated by Nasgen, there is a pattern of "new ArrayList(memberCount)", but that member count is 1 more that what is needed, this is not always the case, as it depends on the members.
> This doesn't have functional impact, but every single byte counts;)
> The root cause for Prototype, is that Constructor are included in the total count, but it is not added.
> To give example:
> NativeArrayBuffer$Prototype:
>     {      ArrayList list = new ArrayList(2);
>        list.add(AccessorProperty.create("slice", 2, "G$slice", "S$slice"));      $nasgenmap$ = PropertyMap.newMap(list);   }
> although the list will contain a single entry, ArrayList was initialized by 2.
> This also happens in the ScriptClass, e.g.:
> NativeArray:   {      ArrayList list = new ArrayList(2);
>        list.add(AccessorProperty.create("length", 6, "length", "length"));      $nasgenmap$ = PropertyMap.newMap(list);   }
> But it is fine in, e.g.:
> ArrayBufferView:   {      ArrayList list = new ArrayList(4);      list.add(AccessorProperty.create("buffer", 7, "buffer", (MethodHandle)null));      list.add(AccessorProperty.create("byteOffset", 7, "byteOffset", (MethodHandle)null));      list.add(AccessorProperty.create("byteLength", 7, "byteLength", (MethodHandle)null));      list.add(AccessorProperty.create("length", 7, "length", (MethodHandle)null));      $nasgenmap$ = PropertyMap.newMap(list);   }
> Thanks,Ahmed

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