Review request for JDK-8141702: Add support for Symbol property keys
Attila Szegedi
attila.szegedi at
Tue Nov 10 17:18:17 UTC 2015
Great work!
I have few remarks on the NativeSymbol.globalSymbolRegistry:
I think it’s okay to have a static String->Symbol map in NativeSymbol.globalSymbolRegistry, but it’d need to be a Map<String, SymbolReference> where SymbolReference is a "class SymbolReference extends WeakReference<Symbol>" and also carries the string key as its field. A reference queue would be needed to remove String keys for which references were cleared. This should pretty much work exactly the same as Context.anonymousHostClasses works. Maybe you could extract that code into a utility class?
For keyFor, instead of containsValue (linear time lookup) how about checking:
String name = ((Symbol)arg).getName();
return globalSymbolRegistry.get(name) == arg ? name : Undefined.getUndefined();
instead? Again, if you’d adopt my suggestion for references, then get() returns a reference instead of a symbol, but the principle is the same.
Finally, globalSymbolRegistry is a HashMap, and you synchronize around it. I’d consider using a ConcurrentHashMap instead and avoid synchronization. There’s the minor issue that if you adopt my reference suggestion above then you can’t atomically deal with the situation where the reference is cleared. You can still avoid synchronization using a ConcurrentMap and computeIfAbsent if you want to avoid synchronization, but you’ll need to additionally validate that a non-absent reference is not cleared, and if it is, then create a new one and do an additional putIfAbsent. The interaction between FOR and keyFor is not racy anyway, as in order to not get back undefined, one already has to have a strong reference to a symbol that’s in the map.
> On Nov 10, 2015, at 4:35 PM, Sundararajan Athijegannathan <sundararajan.athijegannathan at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Nice work!
> Few comments:
> * the symbol "internalizing" table could be per Context. Keeping it as static field from that class => Symbol instances are leaked permanently. Since we have 1:1 between script engine and nashorn Context instance, it is better if we keep it as Context-wide global. That way, when the engine dies, it's Symbols can be GC'ed.
> * Classes like NativeSymbol, Symbol can be final.
> * There could be comment somewhere that codegenerator will take care of String or Number properties in places where 'serialize' Properties, PropertyMaps (i.e., arbitrary Object value is taken care of).
> That's it!
> +1
> -Sundar
> On 11/10/2015 8:12 PM, Hannes Wallnoefer wrote:
>> Please review JDK-8141702: Add support for Symbol property keys:
>> This adds support for Symbols. Symbols are a new type of guaranteed-unique property keys that can be used to add properties to objects without risking conflicts with existing properties. Symbols are used by many other features in ES6, so it helps a lot to have this in.
>> The patch looks big but for most files it's just the type of property keys that changed from String to Object. This change is pretty simple, and it does not affect the fast property access path.
>> I had to jump through some hoops in order to deal with some of the strange characteristics of symbols, such as the fact that implicit conversion to string or number throws a TypeError. For example, I introduced a dedicated toString method in tools.Shell to render results so it could display symbols both as top level values and when contained in an array (which neither JSType.toString nor ScriptRuntime.safeToString would let us do).
>> I think I explained all these cases sufficiently, but feel free to ask if something looks weird.
>> This change is completely invisible in ES5 mode. I also added a test that checks the absence of this and other ES6 features in ES5 mode as suggested by Sundar.
>> Thanks,
>> Hannes
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