Stdout Option

Vladimir Pasquier vpasquier at
Tue Oct 27 14:11:56 UTC 2015


I'm sorry I couldn't search in the nashorn-dev at archives if
the subject has popped up during some discussions, so I let myself to write
you to get some informations about Options in general in Nashorn and
especially the redirection of Javascript console output to some files.

Here we have the option --stdout:

return nashornScriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine(new String[] {
"-strict", "--persistent-code-cache",
            "--class-cache-size=50", "--stdout=\"nx-nashorn.log\"" },
null, new AutomationScriptingClassFilter());

But I cannot see the nx-nashorn.log creation anywhere.

Could it be possible to have examples for all of those options
in general?

Thank you a lot for the work on Nashorn we use it massively!

Vladimir Pasquier

Nuxeo Dev <>

[image: - Content Management Platform] <>

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