Share context/JS bindings

Axel Dörfler axeld at
Tue Jun 14 07:09:31 UTC 2016

Hi there,

I'm trying to reduce the overhead of running JavaScript code. It looks 
like the best thing you can do is a) share a single engine, and b) reuse 
the script context.

I'm using a per-thread context like this:

     public static ScriptContext createJavaScriptContext() {
         ScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext();
         Bindings bindings = perThreadGlobalScope.get();
         if (bindings == null) {
             bindings = getJavaScriptEngine().createBindings();
         } else

         context.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

         return context;

Now I'm facing the problem that JavaScript variables are shared between 
different uses.
Ie. a:

     var found;
     print found;
     found = 1;

Would print "1" on the second run.

Is there a way to avoid this?


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