RFR: 8160505, Automated test runs fail in nashorn because TEST_IMAGE_DIR is set by jib

Tim Bell tim.bell at oracle.com
Wed Jun 29 14:27:19 UTC 2016

Sundar, Erik:

> Looks good
> Yes, nashorn will not get any native tests.
> -Sundar
> On 6/29/2016 4:25 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Looks ok to me.

Thank you for the reviews.

>> It's unlikely that nashorn will ever get native tests so just removing
>> this functionality is a good solution. If we expected nashorn to need
>> native tests anytime soon, it would likely be better to just create a
>> placeholder directory in the test image instead.

Rather than do that (create a placeholder), I took the path established 
in other directories of 100% Java code, like langtools and jaxp.


>> /Erik
>> On 2016-06-29 03:39, Tim Bell wrote:
>>> All-
>>> When using jib to run jtreg tests in an automated setting,
>>> TEST_IMAGE_DIR is set for those test suites having native code. Refer
>>> to jdk/test/Makefile or hotspot/test/Makefile for two examples.
>>> The nashorn repo does not have any native tests, so
>>> nashorn/test/Makefile should not consider TEST_IMAGE_DIR.
>>> Bug report:
>>>     https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8160505
>>> Webrev:
>>>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tbell/8160505/nashorn/webrev/
>>> Tested by hand before and after applying the suggested fix.
>>> Thanks in advance-
>>> Tim

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