Nashorn increase in eval duration over time

Hannes Wallnoefer hannes.wallnoefer at
Mon Mar 14 16:44:55 UTC 2016

Hi Jan,

This list is fine for reporting Nashorn related problems.

Is it correct that the second batch of business logic is evaluated into 
a completely new set of script engines? In that case I'm not sure how 
the problem could be with Nashorn, since different script engines should 
not share anything. So that could hint at a problem deeper down in the 
implementation of method handles.

If you are using JDK 8_25 (not sure I parse the version string 
correctly) one thing you could try is to use a newer JDK 8 update 
release. There are a few issues that have been fixed in later releases.


Am 2016-03-10 um 13:13 schrieb Jan Bauer Nielsen:
> First of all I'm sorry if this is not the right forum for this type of 
> question, but I haven't been able to find a nashorn-user mailing list 
> or anything like that.
> We have an enterprise application (using GlassFish 4.1 as application 
> server) which sits in the middle of a processing pipeline receiving 
> data messages from a JMS queue and applying business logic in the form 
> of substantial (30.000+ lines) javascripts to said data. The business 
> logic is user defined, varies on the type of input format, and as such 
> is not known to us at application startup. The setup in question 
> allows for 8 concurrent processor threads, where each thread evals 
> into (and caches) one script engine per unique set of business logic 
> (the cache is actually on the EJB level and not on the thread level).
> Submitting a batch requiring business-logic-x results in below eval 
> times:
> [2016-03-10 09:15:41,756] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 43] Module eval 
> took 6540 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:15:42,918] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 39] Module eval 
> took 7663 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:15:44,188] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 46] Module eval 
> took 9000 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:15:44,670] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 42] Module eval 
> took 9481 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:15:44,920] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 41] Module eval 
> took 9681 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:15:45,043] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 40] Module eval 
> took 9784 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:15:45,196] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 44] Module eval 
> took 9944 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:15:45,427] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 45] Module eval 
> took 10222 ms
> Subsequently submitting another batch requiring business-logic-y 
> forcing more script engines to be created (simulated here by clearing 
> cached script engines from application and resubmitting batch for 
> business-logic-x) results in much worse performance:
> [2016-03-10 09:26:07,129] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 31] Module eval 
> took 226070 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:26:14,760] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 40] Module eval 
> took 234753 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:26:17,167] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 26] Module eval 
> took 230762 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:26:22,174] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 36] Module eval 
> took 235614 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:26:22,978] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 30] Module eval 
> took 238836 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:26:28,909] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 38] Module eval 
> took 242011 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:26:40,921] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 32] Module eval 
> took 252076 ms
> [2016-03-10 09:26:50,700] [INFO] [p: thread-pool-1; w: 35] Module eval 
> took 262625 ms
> We are not seeing anything out of the ordinary with regard to GC, 
> apart from survivor space often being near 100% full before objects 
> are moved to old-gen. Heap and code cache are nowhere near to being 
> exhausted.
> Unfortunately we haven't been able to get java flight recorder to work 
> with this GlassFish installation, but jvisualvm samples indicates that 
> 80% of our time is being spent in 
> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.setCallSiteTargetNormal().
> We have tried running both single threaded and with a shared script 
> engine creating separate script contexts, and although we are seeing 
> much better performance in these cases, we are still seeing an 
> increase in eval times nonetheless (in the shared engine case, the 
> eval times of the second batch is a factor 10 less than the numbers 
> above, but it is still a factor 5 larger than the initial batch).
> We are running on java build 25.72-b15.
> Any input as to what we might be doing wrong and possibly how to avoid 
> it would be very much appreciated.
> This problem has actually forced us to remain on the Rhino script 
> engine for the time being.
> Kind regards,
> Jan Bauer Nielsen
> Software developer
> DBC as

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