RFR 8150731: Nashorn JSObject linker should be exposed as a service provider

Jim Laskey (Oracle) james.laskey at oracle.com
Thu May 5 11:39:57 UTC 2016


> On May 5, 2016, at 1:39 AM, Sundararajan Athijegannathan <sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com> wrote:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nashorn-dev/2016-March/006026.html
> Please review http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sundar/8150731/webrev.02/
> I've update the webrev to use provider clause in module-info.java
> instead of the older META-INF/services way of exposing a service.
> Also, I've split the test as suggested by Michael Haupt suggested earlier.
> Thanks,
> -Sundar

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