Confusing ScriptObjectMirror size() vs mirror.get("length")

Art Fiedler artfiedler at
Wed Nov 30 20:02:11 UTC 2016


When looping an array in javascript I would typically do something like

    for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        console.log('Index: ' + i + ' = ' + arr[i]);

When looping a javascript array using the ScriptObjectMirror I would
initially think to use the same syntax, however I would swap .length with
.size() since that method is available.

.size() however is not the same as .length in this case. I'm not saying
that is a bug, just noting the confusion it could cause when/if someone
write's a java loop like that and in the future they run into an undefined
item in the middle of the javascript array. See this example...

Arthur Fiedler

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        NashornScriptEngineFactory factory = new
        ScriptEngine scriptEngine = factory.getScriptEngine();
                "globalArray = new Array(3);\n" +
                "globalArray[0] = 'line1';\n"+
                "globalArray[2] = 'line3';\n"); // Note index 1 was skipped
        ScriptObjectMirror array =
        System.out.println("entrySet.size(): " + array.entrySet().size());
        System.out.println("keySet.size(): " + array.keySet().size());
        System.out.println("values.size(): " + array.values().size());
        System.out.println("length: " + array.get("length"));
        System.out.println("size(): " + array.size());
        for(int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
            System.out.println("Index: " + i);
            String iStr = String.valueOf(i);
            System.out.println("    Get('"+iStr+"'): " + array.get(iStr));
        System.out.println("what happened to index 2?? oops!");
    entrySet.size(): 2
    keySet.size(): 2
    values.size(): 2
    length: 3
    size(): 2
    Index: 0
        Get('0'): line1
    Index: 1
        Get('1'): null
    what happened to index 2?? oops!

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