ScriptFunction being passed to JSObject, expected ScriptObjectMirror

Sundararajan Athijegannathan sundararajan.athijegannathan at
Thu Aug 24 02:13:16 UTC 2017


Sorry for the delayed response. We need more info to debug this - in 
particular, what is the exception (if any) thrown etc.

I wonder if this is related to this recent apply-related fix ->


On 22/08/17, 3:43 AM, Jesse Schulman wrote:
> This does not happen on the first run of the code but is consistently
> happening on the 17th run after a restart and from that point forward is
> broken until we restart.
> Attached is a broken and working call stack.
> I have tried to replicate what we are doing in a basic java reproducer but
> have not been able to do so, given that I can consistently reproduce this
> locally I am happy to take any suggested steps to gather more information
> or to workaround/resolve the issue.
> Environment:
> Java version 1.8.144
> Engine created with "--no-java", "-strict", "--no-syntax-extensions",
> "--language=es6", "--optimistic-types=true"  (also tried with
> optimistic-types=false)
> All evaluation done on the same engine via engine.eval(String, Bindings)
> using a Bindings that was returned from engine.createBindings, each of the
> "runs" described above took place in a different Bindings instance
> Thanks!
> Jesse

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