ClassCastException when running Compromise.js

Jesse Schulman jesse at
Mon Dec 18 19:36:18 UTC 2017

I have been trying to get the Compromise.js library working in nashorn, I
have tried it on both 8 and 9.0.1 without success.  I have tried to
workaround the issue by modifying the js file but have not been able to get
past the issue, any help or suggested workarounds are appreciated.

The issue is from line 5377 of Compromise.js, which is:
ts.match('#Hyphenated #Hyphenated').match('#NumericValue

This throws:
java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JD4
to jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunction

In trying to debug in our application I passed the ts variable to a
JSObject that I had available in the context, where I was able to set a
java breakpoint and see if I could reproduce the ClassCastException by
calling the same match().match().tag() functions via the ScriptObjectMirror
APIs.  I was not able to reproduce the issue this way, there were a few
times when I was debugging this way in our application that I was able to
get the script to run successfully (it should print "dinosaurs"), I however
have not been able to consistently make the script succeed or reproduce
that success in the repo I'm sharing.

I have a simple reproducing case here where you can see the
functions being called without exception from java if you uncomment line
5376 of the js file.  In stepping through the code and looking at the
variables in the stack when the ClassCastException is thrown, it looks like
the ScriptFunction is a param in the guardWithCatch method, but when that
calls reinvoke it is passing JD4 (param_2) instead of ScriptFunction


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