nashorn.jar is opensource?

Luisa Pace luisa_pace at
Wed Feb 1 15:09:31 UTC 2017

Thanks for your details and considerations.

I've a question on what you said: 
Last but not least, the source code at the above URL may or may not 
contain third party works under different open source licenses. Please 
check the notices on individual files for details.

Is your sentence specific to nashorn or is related to the whole openjdk?

Thanks again.
Best Regards/Cordiali saluti
                                           Luisa Pace


Ciò che è fuori è anche dentro; e ciò che non è dentro non è da nessuna 
parte. Per questo viaggiare non serve. Se uno non ha niente dentro, non 
troverà mai niente fuori.   È inutile andare a cercare nel mondo quel che 
non si riesce a trovare dentro di sé.  (Tiziano Terzani) 


Ing.  Luisa Pace
IBM Italy
Bluemix Legal Project Manager 
Via Sciangai, 53  (B1 - 508)
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.5966.3795
Fax. +39.06.5966.3489
mob. +39.335.7368629
e-mail:  luisa_pace at

From:   dalibor topic <dalibor.topic at>
To:     Luisa Pace/Italy/IBM at IBMIT
Cc:     nashorn-dev at
Date:   31/01/2017 15.40
Subject:        Re: nashorn.jar is opensource?


 From your initial query about

"To do that, I need of the source of all the CloudFoundry components and 
their dependencies.

In the case I'm managing now, Cloudfoundry (level 245) contains openjdk
1.8.0_101, that in turn contains nashorn.jar."

I suspect that your query is really about the corresponding source code 
for a binary provided by CloudFoundry. Such third party provided 
binaries may or may not contain additional and/or different source code 
from the URL below.

Please inquire with CloudFoundry directly to get the source code 
corresponding to the binary you are interested in, if I'm parsing your 
query correctly.

On a more general note, the URL below is for Nashorn source code in JDK 
9, rather than for source code of Nashorn in a 1.8.0_* release.

The sources of Nashorn in JDK 8 Updates can be found in the Mercurial 
repository located at

You can use Mercurial tags to locate source code corresponding to a 
specific build.

Last but not least, the source code at the above URL may or may not 
contain third party works under different open source licenses. Please 
check the notices on individual files for details.

dalibor topic

On 30.01.2017 16:18, Michel Trudeau wrote:
> It's all under

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