Extending a Java class

Axel Dörfler axeld at pinc-software.de
Thu Sep 27 15:23:42 UTC 2018

Hi there,

I'm trying to extend an Abstract java base class, and add a new method 
to it. However, that doesn't seem to work.

I've tried it like this:

var object = Java.extend(MyType, {
	newFunction: function(argument) {

And that:

MyType.newFunction = function(...) {...};
var object = new MyType;

And also:

var object = new MyType({
	newFunction: ...

While it will all happily accept those things, none of them worked.
When I try to call the method, it'll say:
TypeError: object.newFunction is not a function

Do you have any idea how I could solve this? Overriding an existing 
method works easily, adding a new method does not (at least not this way).

Kind regards,
    Axel Dörfler.

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