Nashorn future

Eric Vergnaud eric.vergnaud at
Sat Sep 14 09:29:15 UTC 2019

Hi everybody.

I’m sure this has been discussed over and over, so please accept my apologies if I’m just creating noise.
I joined the OpenJDK effort to help provide a workaround to Nashorn being marked as deprecated.

From what I have been able to read on the web, the main rationales would be:
 - not enough resources to maintain it, the JS world is evolving too rapidly
 - users can switch to GraalVM

I have to admit that I’m rather skeptical re adoption of GraalVM in large companies.

I was wondering if some options had been considered:
 - move Nashorn out of the OpenJDK, such that more contributors can help, thanks to a more lightweight governance
 - incorporate the V8 engine, such that speed and language features stop being a problem
 - incorporate compatibility transpilers (like Babel) which is the technique used by the entire JS world to deal with cross-browser compatibility

Any thoughts?

n.b. as a side question, is there a web page where OpenJDK discussions content can be explored? 

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