JDK-8229011 update?

STAMPF Lukas lukas.stampf at bat.at
Mon Jul 12 16:52:49 UTC 2021


A year ago I was asking for help with JDK-8229011 (https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nashorn-dev/2020-July/007546.html) , but the bug ticket was deprioritized because Nashorn was to be removed soon.
With the move to standalone, I thought I would give this another try.
Unfortunatly the bug  still exists in OpenJDK Nashorn 15.3 with Openjdk 11.

Maybe somebody has some idea whats causing this.  I would really like to get rid of our workaround that forces the same DynamicLinker into every Context via Reflection.

Kind regards,

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