Using Nashorn in Apache Tomcat

Remi Forax forax at
Mon Oct 3 17:03:32 UTC 2022

> From: "Simon Besenbäck" <simon.besenbaeck at>
> To: nashorn-dev at
> Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 3:04:26 PM
> Subject: Using Nashorn in Apache Tomcat

> Hi!

> I am using Apache 10.0.23 on Windows 10. I want to use Nashorn for developing
> JSP's within the Eclipse IDE. Therefore I use OpenJDK 19 and added the
> jakarta.ScriptTagLibs.jar to the lib directory. I added script-jsr223.tld to
> the META-INF Folder. As far as I know I should be able to use nashorn if I add
> the nashorn-core-15.4.jar (downloaded here: [
> |
> ] )
> to the lib directory, but for me it doesn´t work. I either get the Page without
> the elements generated by nashorn or I get an Internal Server Error.

> However, I also tried Rhino, by adding rhino-engine-1.7.14.jar and
> rhino-runtime-1.7.14.jar to the lib directory and it works. Though, if I try it
> by only adding the rhino-1.7.14.jar to the lib directory it won't work either.
> (Downloaded here: [
> |
> ] )

> I would be very thankful for any tipps as I really do not know how to get
> nashorn working.

Usually, when you want to build a Java application with some dependencies, the best is to use a build tool that will download the dependencies for you *and* configure your IDE for you. 

For a small project like the one you describe, i believe it's simpler to use Maven. Maven uses a pom.xml file that describes the dependencies and some plugins, you have one for tomcat by example. 
There is an eclipse plugin called m2eclipse that configure eclipse from the pom.xml (you have to activate an option in the m2e plugin). 

There are a lot of tutorial on the internet on how to use Maven with Eclipse. 

Once you have played a little with Maven, dependencies should be a problem from the past and you should be able to focus on what you want to do :) 

> Thanks.

> Simon

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