Getting Started with OpenJDK in NetBeans IDE?
Peter B. West
lists at
Fri Jul 6 19:36:45 PDT 2007
I've reposted your reply to the nbusers message I posted.
I was using NB 5.5.1. The page at
doesn't mention that. It links to NB6M9 (not M10), but if you already
have NB installed you're not going to follow that link.
I've now installed M10, and the projects are visible.
I wrote and tested (in another package space) an implementation of RFE
6410729 Add BitSet.previousClearBit, previousSetBit and posted the
results in the JDK-collaboration/dev forum on 2007-05-06, but have had
no responses. I think I must be missing something in the procedure for
handling these things. Advice on this would be appreciated.
I seem to have lost the description of setting up personal NetBeans
projects within JDK7. I recall a discussion of cloning and modifying one
of the existing projects when setting up a Java-only project, and the
example used was Collections. That's exactly what I need; in fact, a
subset of Collections. Can you point me in the right direction for doing
> Hi folks,
> Your emails to nbusers have been forwarded to me. I worked on the
NetBeans projects for OpenJDK, and hope to help resolve your issues.
But I need more information.
> First, the best place for these questions is to
> nb-projects-dev at
> On to the issues:
> Peter, are you using NetBeans 6? I ask because when I use NetBeans
5.5 to open a project (jarzip) I see the "???" instead of the name.
NetBeans 6 is *required*. If you are using NetBeans 6 and see the
problem, can you tell me exactly what steps you are doing to cause the
> Sang, I'm not clear on your issue: you say "having the same problem"
but then say "For NetBeans 6, at least I don't see this problem", so I'm
a little confused. Then you say "having a problem to build." Could you
be more specific as to the nature of the "problem to build"?
> Thanks,
> Dave
Peter B. West <>
Folio <>
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