Project seems to ignore changes

Dave Bristor David.Bristor at Sun.COM
Thu Apr 24 13:55:44 PDT 2008

Clemens Eisserer wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've tried using the 2d/awt project to implement some extensions in
> that area. Building on the command-line worked without any problems.
> (OpenJDK's build infrastructure is a great improvement to the
> closed-source packages I experimented in the past, thanks a lot).
> However with netbeans I experience some problems:
> I created the file (attached at the end of the mail).
> However when I call Clean&build I get:
> Leaving directory `/home/ce/OpenJDK7/jdk/make/com/sun/image'
> Entering directory `/home/ce/OpenJDK7/jdk/make/com/sun/java2d'
> /home/ce/OpenJDK7/jdk/make/netbeans/awt2d/build.xml:85: The following
> error occurred while executing this line:
> /home/ce/OpenJDK7/jdk/make/netbeans/common/make.xml:61: The directory
> /home/ce/OpenJDK7/jdk/make/com/sun/java2d does not exist

That's because this project hasn't been adequately maintained (mea culpa). 
Fixes have been made in the OpenJDK6 sourcebase, but not yet ported to OpenJDK 
7 :-(  I only just started that work earlier this week.

> When I do build only:
> make: *** No rule to make target
> `/home/ce/OpenJDK7/openjdk-binary-plug/jre/lib/rt-closed.jar', needed
> by `import-binary-plug-awt-classes'.  Stop.
> /home/ce/OpenJDK7/jdk/make/netbeans/awt2d/build.xml:42: The following
> error occurred while executing this line:
> /home/ce/OpenJDK7/jdk/make/netbeans/common/make.xml:61: exec returned: 2

That _might_ be resolved if you add OPENJDK=true to make.options.

Regardless, you'll want to remove the lines referring to com/sun/java2d from 


> Any ideas what's wrong?
> Thank you in advance, lg Clemens
> bootstrap.jdk=/home/ce/Programme/jdk1.7.0b25
> make.options=\
>             ALT_BOOTDIR=/home/ce/Programme/jdk1.7.0b25 \
>             ALT_CLOSED_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/home/ce/Programme/jdk1.7.0b25 \
>             ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH=/home/ce/OpenJDK7/openjdk-binary-plug

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