start make from NetBeans on Windows - Please help!

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Wed Apr 8 06:01:56 PDT 2009

I've extracted all charset stuff to out-sourced make folder, which 
should run "theoretically" without initialization of C-compiler.
See attachment.
Dalibor, can you have a look inside to check correct syntax (I'm 
make-newby, as you know).


Am 08.04.2009 13:50, Ulf Zibis schrieb:
> Hi all,
> now I'm in a struggle, because I (1) don't own Microsoft Visual Studio 
> C++ 2008 (VS2008) Standard Edition compiler and (2) capacity of my 
> Laptop is limited, so I tend to avoid, giving VC++ 2008-Express 
> Edition a try (maybe some more frustrating days).
> I've filed a bug because of this lack: internal review ID: 1494977
> =========>> Maybe someone could run once make for me ???
> - In the moment I need to see the current output of 
> \jdk\make\java\nio\ generating source view for 
> Additionally I don't understand what following tag in 
> \jdk\make\netbeans\common\make.xml is for? :
>    <target name="" if="">
>        <property name="platform" value="windows"/>
>        <property name="make" value="c:/cygwin/bin/make"/>
> It doesn't have any effect if I change it to (in my german Windows case):
>        <property name="make" value="C:/Programme/CYGWIN/bin/make"/>
> I think, this value should better be located in, so 
> it could easily be customized,
>                                              ...but first it should 
> have any effect.
> Thanks,
> -Ulf
> P.S.: This thread is archived here: 
> (thanks to Kelly)
> Am 08.04.2009 00:49, Ulf Zibis schrieb:
>> Dmitri, thanks.
>> I had to set path to ...cygwin\bin. ???
>> I think, this info should be added here: 
>> Now I have the next problem:
>> Entering directory `C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\jdk\make/java/nio/charset'
>> ../../../../make/common/shared/Defs-windows.gmk:471: "WARNING: Value 
>> of MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH cannot be empty, check or set ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH"
>> ../../../../make/common/shared/Defs-windows.gmk:484: "WARNING: Value 
>> of DXSDK_PATH cannot be empty, check or set ALT_DXSDK_PATH"
>> link: missing operand
>> Try `link --help' for more information.
>> ../../../../make/common/shared/Compiler-msvc.gmk:129: *** 
>> COMPILER_VERSION cannot be empty here.  Stop.
>> C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\jdk\make\netbeans\charset\build.xml:39: The 
>> following error occurred while executing this line:
>> C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\jdk\make\netbeans\common\make.xml:64: exec 
>> returned: 2
>> BUILD FAILED (total time: 12 seconds)
>> The problem is, that I don't have Visual Studio 2003 or 2005. I only 
>> have VS 6 from 1998.
>> But I think, there should be a way, to run make without Visual 
>> Studio, if there are no native sources to compile, but some make 
>> generated files.
>> -Ulf
>> Am 07.04.2009 21:41, Dmitri Trembovetski schrieb:
>>>   I have a .cmd file "nb6.5.1.cmd" which looks something like this:
>>> -----
>>> @rem set path to cywgin or whatever
>>> @set PATH=c:\devtools\cygwin;%PATH%
>>> @rem setup VS2003 build env
>>> @call C:\devtools\VS2003\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat
>>> @start C:\DevTools\netbeans6.5.1\bin\netbeans.exe 
>>> -----
>>>   I have a shortcut to this cmd file, with "Run: minimized" set in 
>>> the Shortcut   tab so that I don't see the cmd window when it's 
>>> launched.
>>>   Thanks,
>>>     Dmitri
>>> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I won't be much help on this.
>>>> My last experience on Windows, CYGWIN and NetBeans was that you 
>>>> needed to
>>>> start NetBeans from a CYGWIN shell to get NetBeans to have things like
>>>> 'uname' in your PATH.
>>>> I don't think you can start NetBeans by double-clicking the icon, 
>>>> because
>>>> it won't pick up the CYGWIN environment properly, but maybe someone 
>>>> more
>>>> Windows NetBeans savy can provide some help on this.
>>>> -kto
>>>> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>>>>> Hi Kelly,
>>>>> I have tried to start make from NetBeans using build target, and 
>>>>> got some errors:
>>>>> Entering directory `C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\jdk\make/java/nio'
>>>>> make: uname: Command not found
>>>>> make: logname: Command not found
>>>>> ../../common/Defs.gmk:188: ../../../make/common/Defs-.gmk: No such 
>>>>> file or directory
>>>>> make: -p: Command not found
>>>>> make: -p: Command not found
>>>>> make: +%Y: Command not found
>>>>> make: *** No rule to make target 
>>>>> `../../../make/common/Defs-.gmk'.  Stop.
>>>>> C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\jdk\make\netbeans\charset\build.xml:39: The 
>>>>> following error occurred while executing this line:
>>>>> C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\jdk\make\netbeans\common\make.xml:61: exec 
>>>>> returned: 2
>>>>> BUILD FAILED (total time: 5 seconds)
>>>>> Can you please give me some hint, what's going wrong here?
>>>>> Please see my project files in attachment.
>>>>> -Ulf
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