javac CRASH
Ulf Zibis
Ulf.Zibis at
Tue Aug 11 15:14:21 PDT 2009
Sorry for cross-posting.
Am 11.08.2009 20:51, Jonathan Gibbons schrieb:
> Removed core-libs-dev.
> The issue is that in a couple of places a default value for
> javac.bootclasspath is set that includes -J-Xbootclasspath.
> When the value is finally used, -J-Xbootclasspath is again included.
> The fix is to remove the use of -J-Xbootclasspath/p:
> from the default settings for javac.bootclasspath.
Will you do that, and commit to langtools forest soon?
Otherwise, what should I exactly change in which file ?
> -- Jon
> Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> Ulf, Rémi,
>> I have found an issue in the langtools/make/build.xml file that is
>> likely the cause of the problems you are having.
>> There are references to @{}/bin/javac which look
>> suspect. I suspect they should be javac.exe
>> on Windows.
>> I will post a fix once I have one and have verified it for plain
>> invocation from the Windows command shell and
>> from Cygwin.
>> -- Jon
>> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>>> Jon,
>>> that would be great.
>>> I've found out a solution, but I'm not sure, if this is as designed.
>>> In path_to_jdk7_sources\langtools\make\ I set:
>>> = C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.6.0_14
>>> = C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.7.0
>>> javac.source = 6
>>> = 6
>>> I'm wondering, that there is no ...\make\ file in
>>> tl/jdk tree.
>>> Maybe you like to have a look on ...\make\netbeans\charset\* in my
>>> patch for ?
>>> -Ulf
>>> Am 11.08.2009 16:49, Jonathan Gibbons schrieb:
>>>> Rémi,
>>>> Thanks for the heads up. I'll check this out. It is still the case
>>>> that you should only need 1.6 to build langtools.
>>>> -- Jon
>>>> On Aug 11, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:
>>>>> Le 11/08/2009 11:06, Ulf Zibis a écrit :
>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>> thanks for additional help.
>>>>>> Now I tried:
>>>>>> C:\Projects\OpenJDK7\langtools\make>"C:\Programme\Java\NetBeans
>>>>>> 6.7.1\java2\ant\
>>>>>> bin\ant"
>>>>> I've noticed that.
>>>>> You have to run ant with jdk7.
>>>>> JAVA_HOME=C:/Programme/Java/jdk1.7.0
>>>>> ant
>>>>> Jon, it seems the ant build script need be updated because
>>>>> we are not able to compile with jdk6 anymore.
>>>>> The bootstrap javac/javap/etc should be built with -source 1.6
>>>>> -target 1.6.
>>>>> Rémi
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