[Fwd: Re: javac CRASH]

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Tue Aug 11 23:19:50 PDT 2009

Am 12.08.2009 03:17, Jonathan Gibbons schrieb:
> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> John,
>> thanks for your files.
>> (1)
>> Do you like to update make/build.properties? :
>> ...
>> # boot.java.home = /opt/jdk/1.6.0
>> ...
>> # target.java.home = /opt/jdk/1.7.0
> Yes, they're only comments, but updating them makes sense.
>> (2)
>> Your script builds separate javac.jar etc.
>> Can you add script to build complete tools.jar?
> That I can't do, not the way you probably would want.   tools.jar 
> contains more than the aggregate contents of the langtools 
> repository.   langtools just contains "the language tools", javac, 
> javadoc, javah, javap, and apt.
> tools.jar is built as part of building the main jdk/ repository, so to 
> build tools.jar you need to bring over the jdk/ repository and build 
> that. For that, you'll need to have MKS or Cygwin installed and run 
> "make" in that repository.  This will generate a jdk image containing 
> tools.jar. There is no easy short cut. Sorry. For full details on 
> building jdk/ see the OpenJDK web pages.
> We are looking at the possibility of adding an optional target to the 
> langtools/make/build.xml file that would allow you to create a patched 
> version of an existing tools.jar. Perhaps that would be sufficient to 
> your needs.
> -- Jon

Sounds good.

Yesterday I found smart tutorial/sample from NetBeans weekly newsletter:


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