Netbeans (OpenJdk Native project) on Windows - how to set up source directories

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Wed Jun 7 13:11:19 UTC 2017

Hi Thomas,

if I found something which didn't work, my "trick" was to file a bug/RFE 
about the problem and annonce it in the mailing list. Often the bug was 
fixed quickly, or a workaround was found.
Have fun with NetCAT, the team is really likeable and congenial.

Are you a german speaker than me?


Am 07.06.2017 um 13:56 schrieb Thomas Stüfe:
> Hi Ulf,
> thank you for the hint, I'll take a look.
> Kind Regards, Thomas
> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Ulf Zibis <Ulf.Zibis at 
> <mailto:Ulf.Zibis at>> wrote:
>     Hi Thomas,
>     this list is very quiet.
>     I suggest to join the NetCAT project [1]. As a side effect you
>     should get a lot of help from the comunitiy members. I too would
>     appreciate, that developing JDK source on NetBeans would be more
>     simple.
>     -Ulf
>     [1]
>     <>
>     Am 07.06.2017 um 09:23 schrieb Thomas Stüfe:
>         Hi all,
>         I am attempting to use Netbeans on Windows. I work with the
>         common/nb_native project (currently from jdk10/hs). I worked
>         with CDS Eclipse before, and this is my first attempt to use
>         Netbeans.
>         Code assistance works well enough for shared coding out of the
>         box to do some serious editing even without tweaking anything,
>         which is nice.
>         I first use the Mac64 configuration, now I try to add a real
>         Windows configuration.
>         I do not attempt to build from within Netbeans. I have the
>         OpenJDK windows build working in cygwin, and that is good
>         enough for me. I only need an editor with good C++ refactoring.
>         So I attempt to do the same I would do in CDS:
>         1) define which sources are to be parsed (shared, os/windows,
>         os_cpu/windows_x86...)
>         2) Set include paths and Preprocessor definitions.
>         Point (2) is not complicated, but Point (1) has me stumped. In
>         Eclipse, I can set up source directories the same way I would
>         set up include paths, but I cannot find the setting in Netbeans.
>         I see that different configurations do include or exclude
>         their specific source folder. Like, on Mac64 configuration,
>         os/bsd and os/posix are black, the rest is greyed out. But how
>         is this done? Where do I define which source folders are to be
>         parsed for which configuration?
>         Thanks a lot!
>         Thomas

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