
Michael McMahon Michael.McMahon at Sun.COM
Mon Jul 16 09:36:24 PDT 2007

Christopher Hegarty - Sun Microsystems Ireland wrote:
> Questions (Sorry, of this has come up before):
> 1) Why have overloaded versions of toString and parse. Why not one 
> method called setSeparator?

We need to support both separator types in the same input strings. 
Though I thought that
the original separators had to be preserved, but it seems this is not 
the case.
So, it might be possible to allow both in input strings but use a 
method to determine which to use for output.

> 2) Does getParameterNames return multiple entries for multiple name 
> value pairs. I think not.
No, it shouldn't.
> 3) Do we really need removeParameter. Isn't this the same as
>   setParameter(name, null)?
Yes, it is the same. We could remove removeParameter.

> comments:
I'll let Richard comment on the following ones.

> Class Description
> 1) "This class provides constructors for creating..."
>    This should be 'methods' or static/factory methods.
>    I think you should probably also inline links to the methods. I
>    presume they are create & parse.
> 2) I would make ", methods for creating, retrieving, updating and..." a
>    new sentence. "Methods for creating,..."
> 3) I think that the code samples in the class description should follow
>    the java coding conventions.
>    http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConventions.doc7.html#682
>    For example, the following blank spaces should be removed:
>    URI uri = new URI( "http://java.sun.com?forum=2" );
>    UrlEncodedQueryString queryString = new UrlEncodedQueryString( uri );
>    System.out.println( queryString.getParameter( "forum" ));
>    URI uri = new URI("http://java.sun.com?forum=2");
>    UrlEncodedQueryString queryString = new UrlEncodedQueryString(uri);
>    System.out.println(queryString.getParameter("forum"));
>    Similar for other code examples.
> Method description:
> 1) Both parse methods start with "This constructor...". -> method.
> 2) getParameterValues. returns a List not an array. The method
>    description also needs to be updated.
> 3) getParameterMap. Same as 2)
> 4) How does setParameters(java.lang.String) handle Separators?
> 5) ditto for appendParameters.
> 6) apply(URI, UrlEncodedQueryString.Separator). 'Separator' in the
>   parameter list should start with lowercase 's'.
> -Chris.
> Michael McMahon wrote:
>> I have updated the CCC request for this, and would like
>> to finalize it this week.
>> Can I get comments on it please?
>> The apidocs can be seen at 
>> http://oldsunweb.ireland/~mm72272/urlencodedquerystring/
>> Thanks
>> Michael.

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