JDK FTP support

David Hansmann hansmann.d at debitel.net
Mon Jun 18 01:50:44 PDT 2007


thanks for you response! I guess I'll wait for further developement then...

Once your API is merged I might code some unit tests that test the same 
functionality on both your API and the JFtp one for example, so feel
free to tell me what exactly you need then ;)



Jean-Christophe Collet wrote:
> Thank you for proposition, we certainly will take a look a all that.
> That being said, the FTP Client API project is in a unusual state.
> You see, as a pointed numerous times, we do have an API already, even 
> if it's a rather incomplete and not flexible one. Which leads to 2 
> issues:
> 1) Any new FTP API has to be backward compatible with the existing 
> one, and, to avoid bloat, should reuse most of the existing one.
> 2) So far it has been the blocking argument when trying to convince 
> "the powers that be" that a new API is needed. I've been trying to get 
> that project approved for a long time now (years to be exact). As of 
> today it is still not approved for jdk7, even though I have good hopes 
> that it will be.
> The corollary to that is that the API, and implementation, for a full 
> FTP client has been in the works, internally, for a long time. 
> Basically, it's done, just waiting in one of our internal workspaces 
> for final approval.
> Now, assuming the project finally gets approved, I fully intend to 
> publish what we've done before committing it to the workspace in order 
> to get feedback, reviews, and, hopefully, contributions.
> At which point, I will take a look at your work and see what can be 
> done to benefits all. In particular anything that could help with unit 
> tests will be very, very needed.
> I hope this clarify a few things concerning FTP support in JDK 7.
> Don't hesitate to contact me on that subject, or any networking issue, 
> if you have questions or issues.
> Thanks again,
> David Hansmann wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently looked at openjdk.java.net and found that there doesn't 
>> seem to be a fixed plan to integrate full FTP support
>> (I'm referring to 
>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4650689 ), so I 
>> wonder if you might be interested to use parts
>> of my FTP API located on http://j-ftp.sourceforge.net .
>> It  is part of a file transfer client which supports FTP using an API 
>> which I wrote and which has been tested for quite some time now,
>> SFTP (throug j2ssh or jsch), JCIFS (through JCIFS) and NFS (through 
>> Sun WebNFS) using
>> a common interface. Although the code may not be state-of-the art (no 
>> generics yet) the core classes are very small, easy to refactor, not 
>> very complicated in general and there are various of the features you 
>> mentioned already present (like one control connection for multiple 
>> downloads,
>> callbacks) and more.
>> It should for example be possible to to use the other APIs as plugins 
>> once this would be implemented so those other protocols could be used
>> by just placing the jars anywhere in the classpath.
>> I'd of course help with the developement, code cleanup, testing and 
>> support if anybody wants to give it a try - it would be really 
>> exiting to
>> contribute to the JDK especially because I started the project years 
>> ago because of the lack of a real (and OSS) java FTP API ;)
>> Greetings and thanks for your time,
>> David Hansmann
>> P.S.: If you want to take a look at the code you probably want to 
>> look at net/FtpConnection, the BasicConnection interface and the 
>> example code
>> in the doc/-directory.

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