Request for comments: Bug 6306820

Richard Kennard richard at
Thu Jun 21 16:21:04 PDT 2007


> Though I think we should stick with the uppercase convention.
> What are you suggesting here?
Nothing different to what I have been saying before. HTML requires us to 
have the 'multi-valued return' feature, but I think if the API looks like...

    class UrlEncodedQueryString
        void append( String name, String value );
        void set( String name, String value );
        String get( String name );
        List<String> getValues( String name );

...people are going to be 'Huh? What's the difference between get() and 
getValues()? When I put() or add() Strings in a List or a Map I don't 
need a get() and a getValues(), why do I need them here?'. Whereas, if 
the API looks like...

    class UrlEncodedQueryString
        void appendParameter( String name, String value );
        void setParameter( String name, String value );
        String getParameter( String name );
        String[] getParameterValues( String name );
    } feels a little more familiar. People can say 'hey this is weird, 
but it's the same kind of weird I'm used to from the Servlet API'.

I keep going back to the Servlet API because it's the only Java SE/EE 
API, as far as I know, that directly addresses this same area. However, 
if I'm the only one that feels this way I'll go with the former?


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