Patch for Enhancement Bug # 6313849 and 417591

Michael McMahon Michael.McMahon at Sun.COM
Thu May 17 08:37:18 PDT 2007

Andreas Schaefer wrote:
> Michael McMahon wrote:
>> Andreas Schaefer wrote:
>>> I added the disconnect() method to the class and
>>> the implementation to its subclasses. I create the test
>>> class which tests that  the InputStreams are closed and the a reconnect
>>> is possible.
>>> The file, and foo2.jar should go into
>>> trunk/j2se/test/java/net/URLConnection.
>>> This is my first patch for the OpenJDK and so I would love to do it from
>>> start to finish. Please let me know if something does not work out or if
>>> I should change any of this.
>> Hi Andreas,
>> Since this is an RFE requesting an API change, then it (the API
>> change) will need to be approved
>> by the CCC. The process is that someone from Sun (me in this case)
>> would liaise with the CCC, by
>> submitting the request on your behalf, and then relaying any
>> communications from them to this mailing
>> list (and vice-versa). But, before we get to that stage, we need to
>> discuss the change on this list, and thrash out all of the
>> implications of it. We should be sure that this change will not have
>> any unforeseen consequences down
>> the line.
> Well, I am a little bit disappointed that I had to put in all the work
> just so that this discussion starts. I announced my indention to work on
> this RFE over a year ago back in the Mustang area.
The work that you have done is the starting point, now we can see what 
you are proposing
exactly. API changes are more difficult that regular bug fixes. For 
instance, you have defined
disconnect() as an abstract method. That causes problems for  source and 
binary compatibility.
It's not a big deal, but it's an example of the kind of issue we need to 
resolve before going to the CCC.

- Michael.

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