Request for comments: Bug 6306820

Richard Kennard richard at
Mon May 28 03:17:21 PDT 2007


Thanks for sticking with me - your comments and support have definitely 
improved my code, and I am grateful to you as a result.

I have updated the version at... include:

a) toString(ParameterSeparator)
b) Better JavaDoc around the 'parse' methods for ParameterSeparator

What we have left appear to be some fairly small details. If I may 
summarise, you are saying...

1) is discouraged, therefore we shouldn't support it in our 
API nor follow its naming convention (even though we'll sit alongside it 
in the package)
2) We should move the 'apply' method into
3) Keeping the method names familiar to javax.servlet.ServletRequest 
developers is less important than neatness of code during method chaining

I'm happy either way on 1 and 2, though I disagree with you on 3, but 
none of these seem like they should be major obstacles to CCC approval? 
With your permission, then, I'd like to leave them to the larger consensus?



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