A proposal for a FTP client API

Jean-Christophe Collet Jean-Christophe.Collet at Sun.COM
Mon May 26 01:53:29 PDT 2008

David M. Lloyd wrote:
> On 05/23/2008 10:20 AM, Jean-Christophe Collet wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have posted an entry in my blog about the current status of the FTP 
>> client API.
>> It contains a quick description of the project as well as a link to 
>> the current draft of the API. So if you're interested in that topic 
>> go take a look at http://blogs.sun.com/jcc/
>> As mentioned in the post, feedback is very strongly encouraged.
> This is going into the java.net package - is there/will there be a JSR 
> for this effort?

Not a separate JSR no, it is too small of a change to justify its own 
JSR. However it will be covered by the JDK7 blanket JSR.

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